Where The Dead Things Grow


“Racism is the gravest threat to man;
the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.”

Ocean View Orchard had seen many things over the fifty years that the Firth family owned it, but it had never seen anything like it did when Elyse Fay, the young Firth boy's fiancee, moved in. The Orchard had rules, it had schedules, but Elyse broke them all until the apples stopped falling and the trees stopped growing.

This story was influenced by John Irving's The Cider House Rules.

Please note that this story takes place in the earlier half of the twentieth century and the treatment of African Americans was very harsh and brutal and though I tried to keep this as appropriate as possible, there are some ideolgies that cannot simply be ignored, especially if racism is such a prevalent theme in this short story. Just please know, that this has nothing to do with my own personal opinion, I am simply trying to make a story as realistic as it can be and if you find anything offensive, please let me know so I can either remove the story or change things.
  1. Chapter One
    [1000] words.
  2. Chapter Two
    [1000] words.
  3. Chapter Three
    [1100] words
  4. Chapter Four
    [1000] words
  5. Chapter Five
    [1,000] words