Sequel: Fall of the Vatican
Status: Finished :]

Sins of an Angel

Chapter Eleven: The Feminine Sins

Ezra was running quickly through the city streets, holding onto his gun tightly. He bit his lip nervously as he ran, dashing into the alley to hide himself. As he looked back toward the street, he saw the man who had been chasing him pass by, missing him completely. He sighed in relief as he started to walk down the alleyway.

“Ezra, dear?” a voice called out.

Ezra looked forward to see a beautiful girl with blond hair and bright green eyes. He smirked lightly as he walked forward.

“Sepheria… what are you doing here?”

She is getting impatient. You owe her money from the last break in.”

“Well, she’s going to have to wait just a little longer”

“Is she?” another voice called out.

Ezra saw another girl with long black hair and a pink fringe and pale blue eyes walk beside Sepheria.

“Skylar… you know I’ll pay it off eventually,” Ezra laughed uneasily.

“How do I know? How do I know you’re not trying to steal from me?” Skylar crossed her arms.

“I’m not! Here, take the money I collected so far!” Ezra threw the bag he was holding toward her.

“Watch yourself, Ezra,” Sepheria narrowed her eyes.

Ezra clenched his fists as he rolled his own eyes, “I’m getting out of this shit hole soon enough. Eventually, I’ll be the most dangerous gang member you’ve ever seen. I’ll be working for Szayal Vega.”

Skylar’s eyes widened as she lifted her gun from her belt, shooting Ezra dead on as he fell backwards dead. Sepheria smirked lightly as she shook her head.

“He thinks he’ll be better than me… that bastard,” Skylar snarled.

“Babe, you’ll always be most dangerous. Together, we make a beautiful demolition,” Sepheria gazed to the sky.

“Indeed…” Skylar closed her eyes.

While the two were conversing, Emira was against the wall, listening. She stayed quiet, holding her gun tightly. It’s been three months since she got the exorcism, and she has gone back to being a sweeper. She was wearing a white V-neck shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. She continued to listen to Skylar and Sepheria talk… though she had no idea she was dealing with two sins. She was only doing her job as a sweeper.

“Cyr is somewhere in Farona, correct?” Sepheria asked.

“So I heard… Slade and Avery seem to be angry with him already… he made his move on the angel girl,” Skylar pursed her lips.

Emira narrowed her eyes as she heard the name Slade… and then talking about Cyr and herself.

These two… are they sins? Or Angels? What does Slade have to do with them…? she bit her lip.

“Whoever angel girl is, father is livid… he fears Cyr will betray us,” Sepheria sighed.

“Which is why Father sent us here… we need to remind him just why he is a sin,” Skylar laughed darkly.

Emira felt her heart beat heavily… they were sins… and they planned to burden Cyr more. She glowered as she moved herself off the wall. She was angry… she wanted them to die.

“Someone is watching us I think…” Sepheria tilted her head.

Both Skylar and Sepheria immediately turned to where they heard a shifting movement. Emira smirked as she jumped forward, gliding above them and landing behind them as she shot her pistols toward their heads. They immediately evaded the gun’s range and moved against the wall.

“Who… is that?” Skylar narrowed her eyes. Abruptly, Skylar and Sepheria pulled their guns out, shooting in all areas of Emira’s direction. Emira breathed in as she leaped forward, soaring over them as though she was flying.

Skylar’s eyes widened as she activated her 3rd eye. She could see that Emira had wings.

“She’s an angel!” Skylar shouted and Sepheria glared.

“Damn right I am…” Emira laughed as she shot in their direction.

“…She’s alone… she stands no chance,” Sepheria dodged, leaning on the wall.

“Think again!” another voice was heard as Elraine soared above Emira.

“These damn angels…” Skylar growled, “They must love fighting before wars…”

“Skylar… I want to fight Emira… I have a grudge with her…” Sepheria clenched her fists.

“Really now? Fine,” Skylar took a step back as she looked to Elraine, “Come on, bitch.”

Emira lowered until she was in front of Sepheria.

“A grudge, hm?” Emira tilted her head.

“You think you’re so God damn pretty… that it just comes to you naturally…” Sepheria glowered.

“Really? Well, it probably does,” Emira purred.

“Shut up… you’re nowhere near beautiful. You don’t know true beauty!” she held her gun toward Emira.

“Well… what is true beauty then?”

“Me!” Sepheria pulled the trigger, but Emira used her wings as a shield.

“No… you’re the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen…” Emira crossed her arms.

Skylar overheard Emira and laughed at her confidence. She then looked back to Elraine. They stared at each other for a long moment. Elraine had a blue tank top with black skinny jeans and sandals on. Skylar was wearing a black top with a burgundy corset and a short, leather shorts and knee-high boots. Sepheria, shortly nearby, was wearing a black tank top with blue jean shorts and stilettos.

“So, what brings you here to Farona, oh generous one?” Skylar tilted her head.

“I could ask you the same thing, oh envious one,” Elraine scoffed.

“You and I both happen to be from RIza… but I can’t help but wonder if we were ever meant to stop each other there…” Skylar sneered.

“Only problem is that you’re not my lover.”

In that instant, Skylar began laughing sinisterly, as it grew louder with insanity. Elraine watched as she narrowed her eyes. As Skylar quieted down, she lowered her face as her hair covered her eyes, still keeping a low chuckle.

“Your lover…? You mean Avaritia?” she couldn’t stop herself from the laughter, “He betrayed you so long ago, yet you still hold for feelings for him! How amusing!”

“Skylar, you don’t need to be like this! Mairah.. what happened to make you betray Mairah!?”

“Oh, my dear lover of the past? As his power as an Archangel grew… the more I loathed being so insignificant,” Skylar narrowed her eyes, “When Sereptus left for justice, I knew that he would make a change for us. It was time we took a stand against God and showed him we’re just as powerful as the Archangels!”

“Skylar… why? Why would you think he made us more powerful? We all voted on which angels would become his seven saviors! Sereptus knew that; all the other angels knew that; now you only bring darkness—not only for others, but for yourself!” Elraine frowned.

“Dear Elraine… honestly, it’s better this way. Us sins—we bring balance to the world. Without evil, there is no good. It creates a natural cycle of imperfection. No one is worthy of being perfect, you know. Not humans, not angels, and not God,” Skylar closed her eyes.

Elraine stayed quiet as she took a step back. She looked to Emira, who was struggling with Sepheria, who seemed to be going insane from the insults. She continued to shoot at Emira’s wings which shielded her, but it only made each of her shots more powerful.

“It’s not our job to kill you… so if you leave we won’t stop you… well we won’t kill you. But you better stay out of our ways,” Skylar narrowed her eyes, “Any funny business, and you and your little angel companion over there will meet Father early.”

“He’s not your father, Skylar… God is,” Elraine scowled.

“He saved our lives… so he deserves that title. Now if you don’t mind…” she disappeared, reappearing behind Emira. She grabbed onto her arms, pulling her back as she started to haul her toward the wall. Emira didn’t expect it—gasping as she stumbled on the ground, Sepheria shooting at her quickly, hitting her in the arm. She fell to the floor, screaming as Elraine’s eyes widened, hurrying over quickly, pulling her forward, and gliding toward the sky. Skylar and Sepheria watched with blank expressions as they turned to each other.

“Now, we find Cyr,” Skylar commanded as she began walking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, shorter chapter. I was gone all day, so didn't spend as much time with this one. Still! It's a good start for a cliff hanger XD
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