Sequel: Fall of the Vatican
Status: Finished :]

Sins of an Angel

Chapter Seventeen: Deception

Cyr stood nervously, unsure how to explain himself to her. She stared back with her multicolored stare. He craved her lips against his own… he wanted it more than ever now.

“Yes?” she asked; an unsure expression across her face.

Cyr stared at her with gentle, yet desperate eyes. He let his mouth fall open, yet couldn’t speak. He only wished he was able to explain to her every bit of information he had learned… but even he felt that it was all far-fetched.

“Why are you here, Cyr?” Emira spoke once again, crossing her arms.

Cyr looked down, pressing his lips together, “Because I made a huge mistake.”

“By what means?”

“I meant none of the things I said to you earlier… several months ago…”

“Why are you here now though? To repent?”

“No,” Cyr shook his head, walking toward her, “I’m here to save mankind.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?” Emira narrowed her eyes as Cyr continued moving forward. He walked without stop until Emira pushed herself against the wall. Cyr kept himself directly in front of her; Emira could feel his breath on her face. Emira blushed lightly, but tried to hide it. Cyr looked her in the eyes, his breaths overlapping with hers.

“God is requesting that we bring Emerson back into this world.”

“W—what?” Emira’s eyes widened.

“Sophia Amor… I’m asking you once again to create a holy and intimate bond with myself… I promise only to be loyal to you. To only love you and our child,” Cyr’s eyes were completely serious.

Emira’s breath was tightened as she watched him, “You’re joking… you seriously think God wants this…?”

“I’m done lying to you… this is why I went after you. He gave me the message.”

Emira could barely breathe… she would never have imagined God wanting this of her… she was relieved in a way, though. Cyr couldn’t help himself anymore, pressing his lips against hers forcefully, and she was quick in reply, kissing him back just as passionately. His tongue slipped into her mouth and filled her with ecstasy as she held onto him tightly, longing for their time to come now. Cyr could tell that she was craving it and pushed more force into his kiss before pulling away. He then grabbed her hand, nodding as he led her into one of the towers of the Cathedral, where she then motioned him toward her bedroom. As they entered her bedroom, Emira shut and locked the door slowly. She then turned, taking her jacket off, which left her in jeans and her tank top. Cyr pulled her forward, onto the bed as he kissed her gently once more, moving his hands all around, exploring her body. Emira responded by one hand moving up his neck, ruffling the line of his hair, her other tugging down on the back of his shirt. Cyr smirked into the kiss, lifting it off himself as he flipped her down onto her back, moving over her as he then kissed her neck.

Emira moaned lightly as he began biting at her, moving against her collarbone; his hands were sliding her camisole off from under him. As it slid over her head, it left her in her bra. She flushed several times as Cyr observed the shape of her frame. He moved back in, against her neck, and moved back to her lips once more.

Emira felt his bare skin against her own and it made her feel completely at ease… she could tell that what she was doing was out of love after all. She felt no lust or the need to be hasty… and Cyr felt the same. Still, she couldn’t help but feel nervous about having these moments within a church… but God wanted them to… so she couldn’t question it. She was just glad it was taking place now, rather than later one, moments before the war.

The two of them both scrambled their clothes off quickly and overlapped each other. Cyr watched her nervous eyes and bit his lip.

“Are you sure about this? I know it’s sudden… we can wait,” he whispered.

“If this is what needs to happen…” Emira paused, “then yes.”

Cyr smiled and kissed her gently, “I love you.”

Emira breathed in as she kissed him back, “I love you, too.”
Elraine was staring out into the night sky, the opened window letting the breeze roll on her face. She sighed, looking down as her necklace dangled over the side, still clutching to her neck.

“Elraine,” a voice spoke. Elraine turned to see Theran in the doorway. To his surprise, he saw tears across her face. “Elraine, what’s troubling you?”

“I’m tired of fighting such a pointless war… where is my lover? I only wish for him to return…” she looked down.

Theran frowned, “You know that they no longer care for us…”

“You say that, Theran, but have you once tried talking to your angel? Sepheria, Superbia, all these horrid names you speak of her… haven’t you once called her Celedora in the last eight millenniums? “

Theran did not speak, only shaking his head. He didn’t want to hear about this… he had such frustration over the loss of his once lover.

“Don’t you miss her at all? Or is your heart so cold that you do not waste any breath for her?” Elraine narrowed her bloodshot eyes.

“I do miss her… but if I were to cry… I—“

“Would show humility, like you’re supposed to,” Elraine snapped, “For so long, you’ve hidden your purpose as an angel. You do no show the morals of self-acceptance! Why do you not accept yourself or your feelings?”

“If I did that… I’d only be a horrible person. I’ve done so many things I regret and cannot accept… things that humiliate me as even an Angel.”

“What are these things you speak of?”

Theran moved away, trying to keep himself from showing tears. He pursed his lips, closing his eyes, “I was unable to save my Celedora… I did not love her to my fullest to keep her from even imagining betrayal…”

Elraine watched him and shook her head, “It wasn’t your fault… it was inevitable for them to betray… God foresaw it all, but he knows all of this happens for a greater reason for the future.”

“It’s just not fair for us… why would they do this to the very people who loved them unconditionally?”

“Many of the sins did not leave by choice, Theran. In fact, the only ones who did were Gluttony, Envy, and Wrath.”

“Then why did the others leave, hm?” Theran’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Asmarus, lust, was blamed for the curse of Sophia. Avidius, greed, damned himself to avenge his sister’s curse. Sypus, sloth, was deceived by Sereptus into leaving the house of the Lord with him, and Celedora was told that you had fallen and so she chased after you.”

Theran’s eyes widened, unsure what to say at first, “W—why do you know this…?”

“God and I had often spoken about the new prophecy.”

“New prophecy?”

“The prophecy of Sophia and Asmarus being the only hope to end the wars for eternity.”

“And… how…?”

Elraine watched him for a long moment, “By recreating Emerson.”

Theran’s mouth tightened as he lost his breath in realization—Cyr was within the Cathedral, alone with Emira.

“Oh my God… OH MY GOD…” he felt sick to his stomach,” This is immoral!”

Elraine tried to keep herself from laughing, “It’s not immoral if God requests it.”

“No, it’s still completely dissolute! It’s disturbing! An Angel and a demon mating can only show that we should just accept evil as for what it is!” he wasn’t sure whether to feel angry or fearful.

“Calm down, Theran. It’s important that this happens. I don’t think you realize how important this child is,” Elraine turned her head. “Once the baby is born, the war will begin.”

“This just doesn’t make sense. Why?”

“Because we plan to bring back the sins from Sereptus and live in peace once more.”

“I just don’t understand why the child is needed.”

“Emerson was created to become the mate of Sereptus… so that is why this is important,” Elraine explained. “If this plan works, Theran, Celedora will be saved.”

“I know, I know… it’s just still confusing to me.”

“It doesn’t have to make sense if it’s God’s word.”

“Understandable. I’m just going to rest on those thoughts,” Theran rolled his eyes in annoyance.

As nightfall was passing, Emira was laying awake. Cyr was sound asleep next to her. Emira was sweating, staring at the ceiling of the stone room, the sound of her heartbeat overwhelming her. She bit her lips, trying to look clearly through the darkness, but found it difficult. She felt something within her wandering… what was happening?

“Please… please… why do I feel so anxious?” she was afraid. She felt her breath disperse as she gasped, her head rolling back. Images flooded her mind.

She saw the seed connect to her egg as it then changed into the silhouette of a kneeling child—her eyes opening.

“Awaken,” the child whispered as more images began to flash.

Emira started to scream in pain, her back arching as her nails dug into the sheets. Cyr immediately sat up and watched in fear, unsure how to react. She saw herself in heaven… happily with Cyr as they were holding hands, kissing. They were both beautiful, and it passed quickly as she then saw herself within a small, white room, her wings held back, her silk garments folded up, and she was ready to give birth. She now saw the truth of what really happened on the day she was cursed.

”Sereptus… what are you doing here?” Asmarus narrowed his eyes, watching him as he snapped to his feet.

“Just visiting… I wanted to see how she was doing,” Sereptus looked up, his wings flowing elegantly.

Asmarus breathed in, “After the way you spoke to Father, I doubt I can trust that… I see the way that you look at my love; you want her for yourself!”

“Asmarus, do you really think of me to be so lustful?” Sereptus tilted his head, “Look to her and tell me you do not only lust for her as well.”

“I love her. She’s everything to me.”

“A love so strong can only blind someone… so why do you stand so defiant? You want her only for yourself.”

“I’m protecting her from
you. She’s my partner, anyways!”

“Asmarus,” Sophia felt her breathing patterns pick up, “Please… make him leave, now.”

“Dear Sophia… why must you choose such a selfish one as your mate...? Together we could have done
great things… I’m asking you to leave with me…”

“Just be quiet, Sereptus! Do you not remember that our child was to be your mate!?” Asmarus gritted his teeth.

“A child is only second best in beauty compared to its creator,” Sereptus crossed his arms.

Sophia felt apprehensive, unsure what to say, “Banish him… Father, banish him now!”

Sereptus’s eyes widened in anger as he heard her speak these words. He immediately flung his hand to her stomach, his breath growing heavy with anger.

Pestis, pestis, animus amissio, parvulus abeo natu” he snarled on impulse, disappearing immediately after.

“Sophia!” Asmarus shouted, hearing the words and gasping.

Sophia seemed as though nothing had happened, her eyes wide and breathing normally. She looked to Asmarus with worried eyes, just as Avidius walked in.

“Sophia… please speak…” Asmarus’s hands shook.

“You harmed me… who are you?” she asked in fear.

“What are you talking about…?” Asmarus asked.

“You hurt me… you killed the child! Sinner!
Sinner!” Sophia screamed.

Avidius’s eyes widened in outrage, “You destroyed the memories of my little sister!?”

“No, I didn’t! Sereptus—“

“You stay away from her!” he shouted.

“No! Sophia, it’s me, Asmarus!”

“He cursed me! He cursed me!” Sophia was in pain suddenly, screaming loudly.

“She’s going to give birth…” Avidius lost his tone.

“I’m not sure what to do…” Asmarus shook his head.

Only moments later, a small figure, appearing to be an infant covered with wings escaped from her wound, ripping her stomach open where the golden lacing was. It screamed for a moment, appearing burnt as it then fell limp over Sophia’s body. It was unmoving. Sophia continued crying in pain from where the lace was ripped.

“You killed Emerson…” Avidius glared, “Father, he killed the child!”

“No, I—“ Asmarus then fell to his knees. He could hardly breathe as his wings spread out toward the sky. His back began to tear as his wings were being forced away. As his back drew open, his wings began to stuff themselves within him, causing him to writhe in excruciating pain as his screams filled the room, and the entire hall. The then felt his back close up, a burn from where the scar now was, as a golden lining began to make its way through his skin—the lace of golden fleece tightening itself, fixed to his back. As he screamed, tears ran down his face as he reached for Sophia, who shook her head, staring in fear. Soon he was on the floor, breathing heavily as his glow disappeared, and his screaming had stopped.

“He resembles a human…” Avidius whispered.

Asmarus looked up to Sophia, crying heavily, “Why? Why would you say these horrid things of me that I did not do… I love you more than anything!”

“I know not who you are, murderer,” Sophia pursed her lips.

As Asmarus stood up, breathing heavily, he felt his skin burning… he was being damned. Sophia looked away, closing her eyes.

“No… no… I’m not leaving Emerson!” Asmarus pulled the dead child forward as he dispersed with her in his arms.

As Emira’s screams continued, a golden lace appeared on her stomach.

“Emira…” Cyr whispered, “It’s working.”

As Emira had been screaming, Cyr had woken up, but did nothing to stop her… he knew what was happening, and was not to interrupt it.

Emira fell back into her laying position, breathless as she stared at the ceiling.

“Emira,” Cyr whispered.

“Cyr…” tears were welling in her eyes, “I’m so sorry.”


“I saw it… from when Sereptus cursed me before birth…”

Cyr stayed silent, looking down.

“I had no idea that it was my fault…” she started crying, “It’s my fault that these wars began.”

“No, Emira, it was never your fault… Sereptus is the one who caused all of this.”

“You promise me that everything will be okay in the end…?” she watched him.

Cyr looked down, biting his lips, “I promise… everything will end in the reign of the angels.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter coming soon.. I have it on paper already; just gotta type it out.
It's gonna be exciting. After I finish chapter 18, I start on Fall of the Vatican :]
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