You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 1

I sat there under the stars on the trampoline that separates my house from Tre's. Billie Joe and Mike where out playing flashlight tag with some random kids they'd found. Tre for some reason was all of the sudden really against being anywhere near me. As I sat there I was trying to think of any reasons why he was being like this. Just then Billie Joe ran up, jumped on the trampoline and screamed something along the lines of

"Shhhhhhh...if I stay real still Mike won't see me!"

I just looked at him and laughed, I mean come on what can you say to something like that. Within 5 seconds Mike had turned the corner and look at Billie Joe who said, "Shhhhh you don't see me!"

I couldn't really tell if Mike was gone hurt Billie or just laugh. As it turned out he just mumbled something under his breath and walked away. Billie soon got sick of sitting in one place and took off down my yard. I just watched him go shaking my head and laughing to myself. That was when i saw Tre looking out at me through his bedroom window. At first I acted like I didn't see him there and kept looking at the stars. Every now and then I snuck a look at him to see if he was still there. After about 10 minutes I sat up and motioned for him to come down. He looks at me and smiled. I couldn't help but say to myself 'god is he cute when he smiles'. Two minutes later I heard Tres front door open and the sound of him "trying" to be quite. Soon he gave up on that though and made a running leap for the trampoline. I hadn't really been paying all that much attention until he landed on top of me.

"O my god! I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean to... are you ok?!"

I was trying really hard to keep from laughing at him "Tre calm down... I'm fine! And you're rambling!" Even though he smiled he was still on edge for a few minutes. I thought about just asking him straight out why he was being so weird lately but decided against it. After a little while in silence (other than the sound of Billie Joe jumping down from a tree onto Mike's back) Tre finally said "Sooo... " I felt kinda bad cause you could tell he was trying to get me to say something "Soooooo... " I repeated back... it felt so lame but I couldn't think of anything better. Tre had been my best friend for so long why the hell couldn't I talk to him now!

"Kat?" I heard Tre say quietly

"What" I said suddenly jerked out of me dream world.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Tre... anything... .you know that right?"

From the look on his face I wasn't quite sure what he was gonna do next.