You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 10

*Still Kats POV*

I finished my shower and walked down the stairs to find Tre eating breakfast. He just looked at me. I knew he understand how I felt but at the same time I had a feeling he wasn't going to do anything about it. I sat down at the other end of the table and ate my breakfast. When he was done he just sat there and looked at me. He didn't say anything he just watched me. I ate then got up and walked out the door. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care either. I didn't have a car or a cell phone I wasn't even sure if I had shoes. I was just so mad. I had no idea how long I'd been walking but it was starting to get a little dark. I had no clue where I was but Mike did. I was walking around the park when he ran up and grabbed me from behind. I turned around ready to slap him across the face. The only reason I didn't was because he was crying. Now Mike is not a man to cry so I knew something was really wrong. REALLY wrong. Before I could even ask him what was going on he started dragging me into a car and telling me to drive home because he couldn't. I didn't say anything to him and he said he wasn't going to tell me what was wrong because then I wouldn't be able to drive and we would be stranded. We finally got home, it took a while because of all the traffic. We pulled into the drive way and Mike broke down into tears once again. I helped him into my house and asked him what happened.

"I--I--You--Tre---he he..."

"What! What about Tre!"

"He.. I don't know why..."

"Mike what's going on!"

"Hospital... We have to go to the hospital."

That was all I needed to hear. Mike and I raced back into the car and sped to the hospital. We didn't say anything on the way. I couldn't all I could think was 'Drive... Drive... Faster... Faster... Come on! ' We FINALLY got there. The first thing I saw was Billie crying in the waiting room. He saw me and started crying harder. Mike and I ran over to him and he wrapped his arms around me. After about 20 minutes I still didn't know what was going on. That was the worst part about everything, not knowing. All I knew was that it was Tre and it was bad. After another hour the doctor came out and said something that sounded like

"It's pretty bad... But we think he's going to be ok. He's awake and you can go see him if you want to but I must warn you this is not something you want to see... He doesn't look good."

Mike nodded and the doctor walked away. No one got up. Finally after another 5 or 10 minutes Mike turned to Billie and said..

"We should really tell her before we go see him."

"Yeah... Do you want me to?"

"Well tell her what you know then I'll finish."


They looked at me and in that minute I knew this was worse than anything I had ever faced. This was bad. Mike took my hand and told me to be calm and listen to the whole story before I said anything. I nodded and looked at Billie Joe. He put his hand on my knee and told me everything.

"I called Tre at 11 and told him band practice was in a half hour, he said ok and we hung up. About an hour later Mike and I started to worry about him. So I called him back to see what was going on but he didn't answer. We waited for another 15 minutes and he didn't show so we went over to your house to see if he was there. We knocked on the door and waited for 5 minutes before opening the door with our key (We all have keys to each others houses just encase something goes wrong). After we got in we didn't see anyone in the kitchen or living room so we walked up to the bathroom where we found Tre laying on the floor in a pool of blood."

I let out a scream and started crying hysterically. Mike tightened his grip on my hand.

"Kat, sweetie, Tre cut his wrists and tried to kill himself."

I just sat there and cried nothing mattered anymore. Tre tried to kill himself and it was all my fault. I heard Mike'svoice breaking through my thoughts.

"After we found him Billie calle 911 and I tried to but presure on his wrist. We couldn't tell if he was alive or not, all we could see was that he had lost alot of blood. They came and brought him here. Billie came with him and I left to find you."

"It's all my fault..." I whispered.

"If I wouldn't have left he wouldn't have done this!" Know I was growing louder.

Mike wrapped his arms around me and told me this was no ones fault. After another 20 minutes we where finally ready to go see him. We walked down the hall, all of us still crying and clinging to each other.

*Billie Joe'sPOV*

It seemed like forever before we where finally standing outside his door. We all just stood there for a while not really sure if we where ready to go in. Mike looked at Kat and asked if she wanted us to go in first. She said no but still he'sitated before following Mike into the room. After we walked in and shut the door I took her hand and looked at her face, her eyes where shut tight. She had a hand on Mike shoulder and her knuckles where white from holding my hand so tight. We walked over and Tre was laying in the bed under a ton of tubes. He didn't try to smile at all, he didn't even look at us.

*Tres POV*

I felt like such an asshole for all this. Kat can't even look at me. Her eyes are closed. I never thought of what all this would do to her. I don't care now. What does it really matter. She'll leave me after this and I can't really say I blame her. I wonder who she'll go out with next. Maybe Mike or Billie. I mean look at her she's holding Billie'shand and Mike's shoulder. O fuck all this shit.

*Kats POV*

I couldn't look at him. I just could not bring my self to open my eyes. I just stood there. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him. The doctor was right... It wasn't something I wanted to see.

*Mikes POV*

Kat finally opened her eyes, looked at Tre, screamed, and fainted. Billie and I picked her up and put her on the other bed. Oh man this is not going to be a good day. Billie Joe opened his mouth to say something but Tre cut him off.

"What the fuck is up with you guys! Why the hell did you have to bring her here! Can't you see how up set she is!?" Tre was getting a little upset.

"Tre she deserved to know!" Billie screamed

"Yeah but I could have told her later!" OK now Tre's pissed.

"No Tre, no you couldn't have! What the hell do you think she would have thought while you where gone! Do you have any fucking idea how bad she feels! She thinks this is all her fault!"

Just then Kat woke up and starting cry. 'Oh man here we go' I thought to myself.

"STOP IT! JUST STOP!" Kat screamed through her tears. Kat NEVER yells so everyone immediately stopped. No one knew what was going to happen next but we all knew one thing... It wasn't going to be good.