You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 11

*Still Mikes POV*

No one said anything. We'd never ever..EVER done anything to make Kat yell at us. She was always such a calm person. Even she looked shocked at what had just come out of her own mouth. She was still crying though.

"You all need to stop it and grow the fuck up!"

No one knew what to say. I guess through it all we hadn't thought of what all this was going to be like for her. She didn't say anything for the next few hours. All she did was sit there and listen to our talk. No one was trying to make anyone feel better. We're all sick of that. The only reason we talked at all was to make Kat feel better. After about 2 hours she said she was going to the bathroom then getting a drink and she'd be back in a little bit. I smiled and said ok. Billie opened his mouth to say something but she'd already left. Tre didn't even try to say anything to her. It was only a few seconds before Billie Joe was pelting Tre with questions.

"Why Tre! Look at all you have! Why would you want to end it!" He screamed

"Oh what Billie what did i ever have! A girlfriend that thinks the band is more important to me then her...a family that doesn't care about me....a lead singer that is high all the time.....and a bass player that wants to fuck my "girlfriend"! Is that what i have Billie fucking Joe!!"

"No!! Tre it's not!" Billie was so mad he looked like he was going to hit Tre. I decided to cut in before anything happened.

"Stop it!! Billie go get a drink!!"

He got up and left slamming the door behind him. I could understand why he was mad but i really didn't think this was a good time to bring all this up.

"Tre, you didn't see Kats face when i found her..."

"She was glad i was here wasn't she?! She thought it served me right didn't she!!"




*Tre POV*

Umm i guess i really did something wrong because the two people that NEVER yell, yelled at me today. I think i should feel bad but i won't untill i hear all that from Kat. I don't care if that's a bad thing or not. Right now i could really care less if i live or die. The only thing i have to live for is Kat and look what i did to her. Just when everything was going amazing i had to go and fuck it all up.

*Kats POV*

I passed Billie Joe in the hall on my way back. He didn't look at me or talk to me all be did was walk. I didn't think anything of it though. I was still crying, i guess that's normal for the hospital thought because no one stopped to ask me what was wrong. I was kinda glad about that, i don't think i want to explain this to anyone. I walked up to the door and was taking a deep breath before going in, as i heard Mike yelling. This scared me a little so i decided to wait it out and see what happened. After Mike stopped and Tre didn't say anything i walked through the door and asked Mike to leave. He nodded. I could see the rage in his eyes.

*Tres POV*

Mike left and i just realized the look in Kats eyes. Shit, she was really hurt. I see her little bathroom break hadn't helped her crying.

"Kat, don't cry over me."

"I have to it's all my fault!"

"No, Kat...none of this is your fault."

"Then why Tre...why would you do this?"

"I just thought that everything would be better with out me."


"The band could get a better could find a better boyfriend....and my family can get a better son."

Kat started crying hard than she ever had. She leaned her head down on my should and cried. I saw Mike look in the window but i guess he saw what was going on because he quickly walked away. After 10 or 20 minutes she pulled her head up. It was all i could do to bring myself to look at her. Her eyes where so red from crying and she had eyeliner streaming down her face.

"Tre i want you to listen and listen well because this is the only time i'm going to say thing..."

"I'm listening." I said trying to sound as loving as i could.

"I love you Frank Edwin Wright the 3rd!! And no matter what you do i'm always going to love you! You wanna no something else?!"


"If you would have died i would have killed myself, because they's just no life worth living without you."

Now i was crying.

"Kat i'm so sorry....please don't ever leave me...i can't get through this without you!"

"Don't worry Tre I won't. Just promise me that no matter what you'll never ever do this again."

"I promise."



"Yeah Tre?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She reached down to hold my hand and saw my wrist. Her face went white and for a minute i thought she was going to faint again but she didn't. She gently lifted my arm and kissed the white gauze they'd put over my deep cut. She then held it up to her cheek and let a few tears fall onto it. I smiled. In that moment i knew everything was going to be ok. Some how in some way i knew everything was going to be ok. After a while Billie and Mike walked in looking much calmer. at nine o'clock a nurse can in and told us that visiting hours where over but given the circumstances one person could stay with me. She said she'd be back in 5 minutes with some blankets for the person that stays. We said ok and Mike and Billie stood up right away to leave. Kat looked at them with a cocked eyebrow but Mike just winked at her and Billie was to tired to do anything. They came over and gave me and Kat hugs. Just as the nurse had said it was only 5 minutes before she was back. Only this time she had a doctor with her. He asked Kat to step out side for a moment while he took some of the tubes out of me and check me out for the night. She said ok and left the room with the nurse.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked the doctor.

"Well Mr.Wright..I'm afraid you'll have to stay here for a week or so and then you're going to have to go to rehab."


"And two more things Mr.Wright....i think you should know this now befor anyone so you can decide how to deal with them."


"We're going to have to call one of your parents because you're under 18."

"Yeah i figured."

"Yeah sorry about that."

"It's your job...don't sweat it. And that last thing?"

"Yes...When in rehab no one outside your family will be able to visit you."


"Please Mr.Wright calm down. You can get letters and send them as well. You can also make one phone call to a person outside of your family once a week."

"And just how long is rehab."

"Well from what i've seen in you i think it should only take a month or two."

"A month or two!?"

"Yes...but if you really work at it you could be out in as little as 3 weeks."


"Yes sir Mr.Wright."

"Well thank you doctor!"

"Don't worry about it."

He was now looking at my wrist.

"Well this isn't good."

"What?!" I asked a little scared?

"The gauze is all wet."

"Oooh yeah. Ummmm that was my girlfriend...she's a little upset."

"Yeah just about the whole hospital could hear your friends."

"Ohh sorry."

"No no no no no Mr.Wright please don't worry about that. It happens all the time when something happens to a loved one."

"Yeah i guess."

"Well i'll get out of here so you can get some sleep. Who decided to stay here tonight?"

" girlfriend"

"ahh i should have guessed. She seemed the most upset."


The doctor put his hand on my shoulder and told me not to worry about her. She's just worried because she loves me. I smiled and he turned to leave. About 30 seconds after he left Kat hurried in with a blanket and pillow. I smiled and she took her seat next to my bed again. She took my hand and i told her everything the doctor had said. Her dark brown eyes swelled up with tears and she laid her head on my chest. I told her not to worry, that i would go...get all better and then i could come home and nothing would ever come between us again. She smiled and cawled in the small bed with me. He wrapped my arm around her shoulders and watched her fall asleep still crying. 'ooh man...' I thought, 'tomorrow's gonna be bad..i can't wait to see what my parents have to say.