You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 24

*Still Kats POV*

"Sam what's going on!!?"

"What do you think dumbass?"

"Fuck you." I said through my tears.

He walked me up the isle slowly. Everyone stood up as that sappy "Here comes the bride" song started playing. There weren't that many people there. All of our best friends and everyone that had helped us move. To my total amazement my oldest brother was there with his wife. Beside them was my oldest sister. I was so glad to see them here. Neither of them have ever listened to my mother. It was still awesome to have some family there. Tre was waiting up at the front of the church with Mike and Billie next to him. Angie Jen and Heidi where on the opposite side. By the time Sam and I got to the front of the church I'm sure I had no make up left.

"How gives her away?"

A big priest says loud enough so everyone could here.

"I do." Sam says as he kisses me on the cheek and gives my hand to Tre.

After 20 minutes the priest finally go to the "I do's."

"I do." Tre said. I could see the excitement in his eyes. I didn't even listen as the priest talked on in front of me. I knew what he was saying.

"I do." I said. I'm not even 100 percent sure if it was at the right time or not but no one said anything about it.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife... .you may -"

Tre didn't even wait for him to finish his sentence. I wrapped his arms around me pulled me close and kissed me.

"Happy birthday... I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest finished looking slightly annoyed with us. We ran up then isle and into the car Mike drove here.

"Tre!!!" I screamed grapping his hand.


"How the hell----I'd like to know how you guys keep going this is to me."

"Doing what?"

"Surprising me and shit."

"I can't tell you."

"woah... .stop. I havn't known anything that's gone on all day I really think I deserve to know this one."

"No I mean I can't tell you until we get to the reception."


He stopped for a red light and turned his head... leaned over and kissed me.

"Yes Kat... reception."




"Kat what are you laughing at."

"We're married."

"I know." He said with a smile as he started driving again.



"Where are we going?"

"Ummm... "

"You do know where we're going don't you."

"Well... .no... haha actually I have no clue. I'll call Mike."

He pulled over and called Mike. They talked for about 10 minutes cause Tre can't find his own ass in the dark. We got lost again but found our way there. I don't know where the hell Tre thought he was going. The reception was like 30 seconds away from the church.


"Yeah Tre?"

"I'm sorry but we don't have a honey moon. There just wasn't enough money after all this."

"Ooh Tre please don't worry about that. As long as I'm with you I'll be happy."

He smiled and we got out and walked into the reception only to be greeted by loud screaming and hugging friends.

*Sams POV*

Ooh man... if only they know what they're in for. Heeheehee.