You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 37

*Katy POV*

I ran over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Kat..." It was my mom

"Ohh.. Hey how's the vacation?"

"It's good... Actually it's soo good I have some good news." She sounded excited.

"What is it mom?" I asked

"We're moving here." She laughed as if she knew it would totaly ruin my life.

"WHAT!?" I screamed. "But we can't! We just can't!"

"Well i'm sorry to tell you Kaitlyn but you're coming." She said in her 'mother' voice.

"This isn't fair! What about MY life... MY friends..." I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

"You're not going to die and you'll make new friends." She was getting sick of me.

"But mom... I don't want new friends! I love Billie, Mike and Tre!"

"Well you need some girls to hang out with anyways. That Mike's always sleeping, William's always smoking and Frank's just horny and werid. Now stop being so stupid. We're coming home in a week and you better be ready to go."

"Ok first of all it's not William it's Billie and it's deffinately NOT Frank, his name is Tre. And you can't make me leave!" I screamed as I threw the phone against the wall and kicked the end table. I can't leave! Not now! Ahh this is sooo stupid. I can't do this to the guys. We've always been together. I don't need my family... I mean the boys have always been a thousand times better to me than my actual family! This is sooo stupid! Before I could stop myself I'd totally trashed the living room. Why now!