You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 38

*Kats POV*

2 months later...

I feel terrible... I left without even telling the boys goodbye. I don't think I could have handled it. I told them I was gonna have to go but I didn't really tell them anything else. I called Mike about have way to my new "home" and told him I was gone. He seemed more hurt than mad. Man I wish he would have been mad. Sometimes I like it better when people scream and flip then say I hurt them. I didn't talk to Tre. Billie calls once a week and I talk to Mike every other day. My "mother" is really pushing new friends and a new life on me. I don't care what she wants though because in 5 months I won't need her anymore... I'll be 18 and I can leave her and this "family" forever and go back to the people that have always been there for me. I want to talk to Tre again so badly but I don't think I could handle it. I miss him so badly I can't even imagine how he feels.

*Mikes POV*

"Tre!! Get up!! It's 3 o'clock in the after noon!!" Billie's yelling

"I don't care." Tre mumbled.

"Come on man it's been 2 months...we all love her but she's gone." I said trying to make him feel better.

"She's NOT gone... she'll come back... she has to... she just has to..." He buried his head into his pillow and we walked out of the room.

Tre became a total lost cause after Kat left. He just doesn't care. Even his drumming is off. He tries to be happy around everyone but us. I know Kat's the same way. She sits in her room all day and writes stuff. It's kinda sad but it's really true. They love each other and they never even got a chance to be together. The good thing is Billie and I just turned 18 and Tre'll be 18 soon enough. Kat's the youngest. So before long we'll all be able go be together again. I really can't see life any other way then the 4 of us together. Hey my phone's ringing...

"KATY BABY!!" I screamed into the phone.

"MIKEY DARLING!!" She screamed back.

"What's up love?" I asked

"I'm coming home."

Is she being serious... ?