You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 39

Still Mike's POV

I ran the whole way to Tre's house after I got off the phone with Kat. I found Billie laying in the middle of the street.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I screamed in his face.

"I am TRYING to get Tre out of his room." Billie answered calmly.

"So lemme get this straight... you, laying in the middle of the road, is the way to do that?" I asked

"Well... it made sense at the time..."

I walked away before he could even come close to finishing. I banged on Tre's door until he finally opened it. I ran in before he could shut the door in my face. He asked what the fuck I wanted and I told him all in one breath.

Billie Joe must have heard the screaming because he came running in the house like someone lit his ass on fire. We all laughed and made plans for things to do with Kat. A few weeks passed and we hadn't heard anything from her. Tre was starting to doubt that she ever called in the first place. 3 weeks later we where all in Billie Joe's living room when we heard loud banging at the door. We all looked at each other and started to laugh. After a few minutes we heard that voice that used to be soft and sweet but was now more harsh and in-your-face.

"Let me the hell in you idiots. IT IS RAINING!" She screamed.

Tre got up and flew to the door. He pulled it open and nearly killed Kat with a massive hug.

She was screaming things to everyone about being in the rain and being cold. We laughed cause this was the first day in a long long time it's rained in Berkely.

Tre pulled her in the door only letting her go so we could all get a look at her. She wasn't gone for long but man had she changed. Her girl-ish figure had gone to a hot curvey body. Her dirty blonde hair went black with streaks of red... hot pink... neon blue and purple. She was in red and black chucks with a tight leather skirt and a small long sleeved black hoodie. She threw herself down on the floor and started talking about her trip.

"Wait wait wait wait wait... you walked most of the way?!" I screamed

"Yeah..." She answered

"Wow." We all answered together.

She just sat there looking at us like we where all the stupidest guys she'd ever met in her life. Which is most likley true but that's beyond the point.

We decided that we'd all stay at Tre's place tonight because his parents aren't home as usual. We grabbed something to eat than ran over to Tre's and talked for a while before passing out on the floor or couch.