You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 4

*Still Tre's POV*

As we all sat there and ate i just couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Mike and Kat than meets the eyes. Finally Kat and Billie Joe decided to go back into the pool. Mike and I said that we'd go wash the dishes and meet them in the pool in a while. I walked into the kitchen and Mike and I started to wash the dishes. I couldn't stand this anymore.

*Mike's POV*

We walked in the kitchen and started doing the dishes when i barely heard Tre say, "Mike?" I looked at him over my shoulder and said, "Yeah Tre?" Then all of the sudden I got something that I was totally unprepared for. Although thinking back on it...I guess I should have been ready for it, after talking to Kat I mean. I thought about it for a second then told him the same thing I'd told Kat. I was thinking 'o shit this is gonna be fun!!' It's not all to often that I get to keep things from people. I guess everyone thinks that I'm the smart one or something. So I try to live up to that. Most of the time, but I just couldn't help myself this time. I really had fun. I think it's cool that after you know whats going on everything is more fun. I tried my best to act like I didn't know what was going on but it was hard.

*Kat's POV*

Oh my God what is up with Mike? He had time alone with Tre did he talk to him like he promise he would? I don't wanna ask him again though. I mean I don't want to seem like I'm totally head over heals for Tre. I'm not am I? I shit...Mike better talk to him fast.

*Tre's POV*

I wonder when Mike's gonna talk to Kat. Maybe I should have just taken that stupid chance and talked to her when we where on the trampoline last night. Oh yeah that's right I remember I told her that I had something to tell her and it was gonna be my 'Tre Cool surprise'! Yes that's it!! ....oh shit I know I'm not gonna be able to talk to her untill Mike does. I wish I had the guts to do it but I don't know what I'd do if she didn't feel the same way. I guess I'd end up banging her friend Megan to make myself feel better, but then I'd feel even worse for hurting her. Oh shit there's only one way that things are ever gonna get better...I have to ask her out and she has to say yes.

*Mike's POV*

I was starting to feel bad now. I could see how upset they both were. Oh Fuck it. I stood up and said "Kat...Tre is in love with you...Tre...Kat is in love with you." Then i sat back down and watch them. This was the best part. Then it hit me...oh shit what did I do?! Oh well. They'll live. I looked at Tre and he gave me an I'm-gonna-kill-you look. I just smiled and winked. Tre looked over at Kat and they both turned a deep color of red. He tried to smile but just turned a darker red..if that was possible.

*Tre's POV*

I couldn't believe Mike. I wanted to hit him. It was a good thing that Billie was to high to realize what was going on. After a few minutes in silence I finally looked ove at Kat and asked her if she wanted to come on a walk with me. She nodded and got up.

*Kat's POV*

I couldn't believe Mike! I guess it all turned out for the best though. I mean I'm walking somewhere with Tre...oh yeah that reminds me...

"Hey Tre?"

"Yeah Kat?"

"Where are we going?"

"Oooh did u forget? I told you it was going to be a 'Tre Cool surprise'!"

"Yeah I remember but I was hoping you forgot."

"Haha no such luck...hey close your eyes."

I closed my eyes but it didn't really matter casue he walked behind me with his hands over my eyes. After about 2 minutes of walking that way he finally told me that I could open my eyes...