You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 40

*Mikes POV*

The next morning I woke up cold. Stupid Tre forgot to close the stupid door. I got up and tried to find some stupid coffee in Tres' stupid kitchen. I looked around and couldn't find anything so I walked out onto the deck to try and wake up. I was really surprised to see Kat Sitting in one of the chairs lying in the late morning sun. She turned and smiled. I walked over and sat next to her. She said good morning and handed me a cup of coffee from a bag she had sitting next to her.

"Where did you get this?" I asked excitedly

"Well I'm used to getting up at like 5 to start walking so I got up around 8 and went to that 7-11 by the mall," she answered.

"You do know the mall is like 20 minutes away right?"

"Umm...yeah..." she said with a smile.

We sat there talking about why she's here and how long she's staying. According to her she got in a massive fight with her mom and just couldn't take it anymore. Her birthday's in like 4 months so she'll just say here till then. She asked about what we did while she was gone. I didn't really know if I should tell her what happened with Tre or if I should just leave it to him. Well all I ended up saying was that we all had a really hard time without her. She didn't ask anymore questions after that. I could tell that she was really thinking about something. I was just about to ask her what was on her mind when Billie and Tre came flying out of the house.

"Holy shit we thought you left again!" Billie screamed at Kat.

"Umm...Billie I was like 10 feet away from were just sleeping..." she screamed back.

" what."

After that Billie went in to give Tre a chance to talk to Kat alone, and I went with him. I figured that Kat and Tre could use some time to themselves... man I hope this works.