You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 47

*Still Mikes*

I stumbled out of Rods and in the general direction of my car. One of the worst things in the world is thinking about what Billie’s thinking. I mean does he think that I was glad my boss called? Does he want it to happen again. Or maybe it’s just all of this uncertainty since Kats been back. Don’t take me wrong because it’s been absolutely amazing to have her back with us, it’s just, well honestly we didn’t know she was going to leave and we didn’t know when she was coming back. So now that she’s back we all want to just hold on to each other and make sure that nothing like that ever happens again. Maybe that’s what this is all about. Maybe we’re all just scared that we’re going to fall in love with someone like Tre has with Kat and then never be able to tell them. I guess I just feel safe ‘falling’ for Billie because we’ve always had each other and the odds are that we always will. I don’t know about Billie but I never really noticed how much Tre and Kat depended on each other until Kat was gone. Thinking back on it Billie and I were alone, Tre was almost always with Kat. We all ate, partied, drank, and played music together. But when someone died or something tragic happened Kat always went to Tre. Billie likes to write during tough times and I like to be alone. I don’t really know about Tre though. After Kat left, he went into this depression-ish thing. I doubt that happened when she was around because Kat wouldn’t have let him wallow in anything. That’s what’s amazing about having her around. She’s like a little ray of sunshine. No matter how bad your day is, she always seems to be able to find a minute or two to listen to whatever you need to talk about. As a matter of fact I don’t think she’s ever said no to me when I asked her for a favor. I try not to ask for much though because she’s always had her own issues with her mother and such. I’m not really sure what her and Tre did when they were alone. Billie and I mostly smoke pot, play guitar, and eat. Kat plays guitar and she used to eat but she’s never been much into pot. Sure, sometimes at parties or when there was seriously nothing to do, but never as a daily or even weekly thing. That’s one of the only times I remember really hanging out with just the three of us. If Tre wasn’t around for some reason Kat would come to me. We never really talked that much. Mostly she’d come to me when she was extremely upset. I don’t think she liked it when Tre saw her that upset. When she’d come to me like that we’d go running or she’s just cry while I hugged her. I never felt anything for her though. I just love her as a sister and it’s really nothing more than that. It’s just hard to think of what she did those months she was away. I guess that brings me back to why she’s being the way she is now. Or maybe we’re all just freaked out because while she was gone, this show came on sometimes late at night about why people become alcoholics or drug addicts. There was this one that was on every Thursday about self harming. It included girls and guys that suffered from everything from cutting to abuse and eating disorders. After that Tre became kind of haunted. I’d always suspected that Kat’s dad might have hit her a few times but I’m sure if it was that bad she would have said something to us or after long a while we would have picked up on something. He sure did yell a lot, about stupid stuff too, like Kat not hanging out with girls or the kind of music she listens to. One thing the show said was that abuse, self harm and eating disorders tend to come in groups. It’s a super common to find them all in the same place. Basically if the person’s been abused, there’s about a 60% chance that self harming will follow. Kat’s smarter than that though. I really think she’s call one of us if she needed help. Maybe she was scared to tell us. I think we should all talk. Yeah that’s it, when I get home I’m going to make everyone sit down and talk about this. All the what ifs are going to drive me insane.