You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 49

*Billies POV*

Have you ever noticed that just when everything’s going right, something you never thought would never ever happen, well they always happen. Like when Kat left, we never thought Tre would get depressed and weird. Then again we never thought we’d see the day Kat left without a goodbye either. Come to think of that I’m not always sure that she had the choice to say goodbye. And I’m sure that she didn’t go without a fight. Mike, Tre and I have always known in our hearts that her dad beat her. It’s just hard to step in. I mean when Kat’s spending fifteen hours or more of her day with us, we never imagined it was a nightly or daily thing. Honestly I’m still not sure what happened. I guess I just figured that if something got bad enough, Kat would tell Tre and Tre would tell us. Maybe Kat’s just a really really really good actress. At least I don’t ever remember seeing bruises or cuts or anything you’d think goes along with abuse. Maybe it was sexual. That’s almost unthinkable. From what I’ve gathered from both Tre and Mike, Kat’s dad can be a total and 100% ass when he’s wasted. Unfortunately that’s most of the time. It’s kind of scary to think about how much I really don’t know. It scares me even more to think about everything I don’t know about myself. What the hell am I thinking with Mike! I’m an awful person to date. Usually I let myself give off all my anger from relationships at band practice but with Mike being part of the band I can’t really do that. On the other end, most of my relationships end because the guy has an issue with the amount of time I spend with Tre and Mike. But if we broke up, that would be around it for the band. I remember promising myself that I would never date a band member. Oh course that was when I thought the only people that I would ever date would have boobs. Thing’s really do change. I guess I should get back to Tres now. After Mike left for work I thought I’d just walk around and attempt to clear my thoughts. Hey is that window in Tres’ kitchen broken!