You Can Tell Me Anything

Ch. 6

*Kats POV*

From the look on Tre's face I could tell he was thinking about something. I didn't want to say anything about it for fear of losing the moment. We sat there in silence for a couple minutes before he broke it. Well kinda... He took a deep breath. I starting thinking about how this morning I was trying to convice myself that I didn't love Tre and now I was almost dying to hear what he was going to say. The thing about it was as nervous as I make it sound like I am, I'm not. Something about Tre's mood just makes me feel so safe and comfortable. I just wondered when he was going to say something.

*Tres POV*

I felt bad for not saying something. I wasn't nervous with her or anything, I just really wanted this to be perfect. I wanted her to know how much she means to me. We'd been sitting face to face with me leaning on the tree trunk and her knees pressing against mine. I was trying so hard to think of a way that would kind of show her what I was trying to get at without having to say anything. All of then sudden I had it! It wasn't the best idea ever but I figured it would at least do something. I looked at her, smiled, and dropped my legs so one was dangling over each side. She cocked an eyebrow and smiled at me as I motioned for her to come sit against me. I could tell she was a little taken back but she slowly turned so she had be back to me and moved closer to me leaning her head against my chest. I smile and wrapped my arms around her waist.

*Kats POV*

I was so amazed by what Tre was doing. I mean all this time I never thought he liked me but look at us now. I wasn't nervous before but I sure was now!

"Kat, I really want to talk to you." I smiled knowing he couldn't see my face.

"Yeah I really want to talk to you too." I felt him take a deep breath before saying

"I'm in love with you, and I feel bad because I've loved you sense that first night we met. I'm really worried that you don't love me." Then I felt him take another deep breath.

"Well Tre I don't think you have to worry because I love you too."

With that I turned so we where sitting face to face. This time we where sitting close... Dangerously close.
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