Status: Complete - sequel to come

Little Pink Plus Sign of Doom

Chapter 28

Gerard POV

I took great care in choosing my outfit in the morning , a baggy pair of elasticated jeans and an Iron Maiden shirt , that fitted snuggly over my bump.I brushed my short red hair and washed my surprisingly smooth face.

Today was the day we would find out the sex of the baby.

I was so excited.

Frank walked behind me and put one hand on my belly and one on my cheek.The baby bopped his hand almost immediately and he smiled. "You excited?" he whispered softly in my ear.

I nodded and he pressed his lips to my warm cheek ,and rubbed my stomach lovingly.

He took my hand and I collected my stuff , before walking out if the door. Huh.No cameras. I guess they thought we weren't stupid enough to go out right now.

We sat in excited silence on the way to the hospital.

Esme had told me to come straight to her room , as to not attract attention. We walked hand in hand into her white , clean room.

She stood up when we walked in , her greying caramel hair pulled up in a messy bun. "Hello," she greeted , smirking ,"Did you have fun at your big 'reveal'?" her lips twitched. I smiled too at the memory and nodded, Frank chuckled beside me.

She clapped her hands together and smiled ,"Lets get started then?" She said brightly , and my tummy suddenly felt full of butterflies...oh and baby. Frank smiled , but his eyes looked nervous.

I laid down on the bed and undid my pants , before pulling up my shirt and revealing my rounding tummy. Esme glanced at it , "You're doing well for 5 months - you'll really get big in your 3rd trimester," She grinned as I panicked - bigger! Would I be a fucking whale?

Frank squeezed my hand and smiled , sensing my panic.Esme was busy fiddling with the ultrasound machine and slipping on her plastic gloves. She rubbed the cold gel on my belly and lifted the wand.

She rubbed it around on my belly , until I could hear that beautiful heartbeat - I - We looked at our baby , it was so much more defined - it had a little nose , and mouth , and arms , and legs...

And it moved.It was ALIVE.It was living inside me. I turned to see Frank's big eyes were glossy with tears - like my own. He kissed my forehead but kept his eyes fixated on the screen.

"I guess you want to know the sex?" Esme asked and we nodded fervently.

"It's a.."

I gripped Franks hand , and leaned forward , desperate to know.

♠ ♠ ♠
Short and Sweet - more soon though.

To every fucking commenter - I love you , I really do. :')

I had a dream Gee was my art teacher and we had a secret affair ^_^

It was a GREAT dream :D