Status: Active

Seeing the Truth


Entering the building of the blind center, I was greeted by a middle-aged receptionist. 'Hello there, sweetie, how can I help you?' she greeted politely.

'Hi, I'm here as a volunteer, to help out with the children. But I'm not sure where I should be,' I explained, stepping up towards her.

'Well, you seem to be about 10 minutes early, but you can head on over to the Conference Room, where the rest of the volunteers should begin gathering for briefing. It's down the hall, the fifth door on the left,' she indicated, pointing to the hallway on the right hand side. I smiled and thanked her, making my way towards the Conference Room.

As I opened the door, I was greeted by a burst of cold air, most likely a result of the air conditioner being on an extreme high. At a glance, I noticed that the room basically consisted of a long table, with chairs on either side and a projector facing an empty screen. I also noticed that there were only two other people in the room; a dark haired girl with earphones in, eyes closed and leaning back, who really did not look like she wanted to be here. And a golden haired boy, sitting forwards, his head resting on his hand, the other hand drumming lightly on the desk.

His head turned my way sharply as the door banged shut behind me. He offered a warm smile, but I pretended not to see it and took the first seat I saw, plugging my own earphones in and not wanting to converse with him.

After about 10 minutes, I peeked out one eye and noticed that the room had gotten considerably fuller since I arrived. There were about 8 new people and counting. An elderly woman stepped into the room through a door near to the empty screen. I pulled out my earphones and sat straighter, noticing that the room was full now, each seat occupied by a boy or girl.

The elderly woman began speaking in a loud, distinctive voice.

'Good morning everybody, I trust that you all arrived without getting lost?' she received a few nods and smiles. 'My name is Emily Hopkins and I've been running this center for 20 years.'

'I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for volunteering your free time to this center, it's greatly appreciated,' she proceeded to telling us exactly what we'd be doing and where to go to find our assigned jobs.

When she was finished, I was one of the first to leave the room and step into the hall where I found a list of names and jobs pinned on a noticeboard.

I had been assigned to assist in Braille reading and was about to head to room 18 where the activity was stationed, when I felt a tug on my arm and turned around to see the boy who had tried, and failed, to greet me earlier on.