Status: Active

Seeing the Truth


During the children's lunch break, we were given a lunch break too, seeing as about 10 matrons arrived to assist. I found my way to a secluded bench in the large back garden. Most of the other volunteers had decided to sit on the grass or go out to a nearby cafe to eat. I preferred relaxing by myself.

I'd been sitting on the bench listening to music for about 10 minutes when I felt the weight shift. Someone was sitting next to me. I turned to my left and furrowed my eyebrows, 'Can I help you?' I asked the blond boy. I saw a smile slowly creep onto his face while he stared straight ahead, his light blue eyes piercing the air.

'Sorry, am I disturbing you? I didn't know that there was somebody already sitting here,' he replied, not shifting his gaze.

'How could you not have- Oh...' I let my sentence trail off as I realized, he's blind.

He still did not shift his gaze, but showed a sad smile. 'Yeah, you guessed it,' he said.

'Well, I suppose you could sit here if you really want to,' I sighed.
'Thank you,' he smiled again, a dazzling smile that I noticed could make any girl swoon. Not me, though. After what happened last time, I'm a tough cookie all the way through.

'What's your name?' he asked me quietly.
'Adelaide... but, I prefer to be called Ade.'
He gave a small smile before replying,'Oh, I'm Kaden.' Silence fell after that. A comfortable silence.

We had been sitting like that for a while when I noticed the receptionist from earlier coming around the corner, heading in our direction.

She slowed down after a while before she eventually stopped in front of Kaden, smiling at me before she spoke to him. 'Kaden, the next talk starts in 30 minutes, and I have to be somewhere in 10. So do you mind if I get you there a little bit early? Unless your friend over here doesn't mind assisting you?'

I bit my lip momentarily, 'Sure,' I replied quickly, before either of them sensed my hesitation, 'it's not a problem.'

She smiled at me sweetly before walking away hastily, her heels digging into the soil and causing her to wobble a bit.

I turned to Kaden, letting my curiosity get the better of me, 'I didn't know that the center had talks for people older than 13, too,' I stated, because Kaden looked as though he was at least 18.

'Well, that's true, I'm 18,' Spot on, I smiled. 'But I give a few talks here in the summer for kids that are a bit older. I just talk to them a bit about coming to terms with being blind... things like that...' he trailed off.

'I see,' I replied, after I remembered that he wouldn't be able to see me nodding. 'So, do you want to get going?' I offered.

He nodded and stood up. I stood up too, tucking my iPod into my bag and slinging it over my body. I told Kaden to put his arm around my waist while he held a modern looking walking stick in his left hand.

He told me that the talk was happening in the Conference Room. We headed in that direction and arrived after a few minutes. He found his way to the seat at the head of the table and I leaned against a pillar beside him. We spoke for a little while about his lectures, while I waited with him. Eventually kids around 13 and 14 started trickling in, accompanied by their parents. I patted Kaden on his shoulder, letting him know that it was time for me to get back. He caught my hand and squeezed it lightly, thanking me.