Status: Active

Seeing the Truth


For the rest of the day at the center, I spent it talking and playing tic-tac-toe with Jack. The tic-tac-toe pieces had X's and O's that came up, so he could feel them. I even asked Kelsey if we could spend some time outdoors. She seemed a bit skeptical at first, but gave in when I explained to her that I'm extremely responsible with kids 24/7.

We had been smelling flowers and relaxing in the warmth of the sun for an hour or so, when Brandon came out. There's no wonder I wasn't too happy to see him walking my way. He took up the hobby of badgering me for my number the whole time, he was part of the reason I wanted to get Jack out of there. As Brandon advanced towards us lying on the grass, Jack was busy explaining to me about his older sister.

'She's super cool, Ade! You would love her soooo much. She talks to me and tells me about things all the time. She even started teaching me a little bit of braille. She's just so c-'

'Ade, Jack, you guys have gotta get back in. The kids are meeting their parents there in 5 minutes,' Brandon stated, interrupting Jack's explanation of his sister. I merely nodded slightly. 'And, uh, Ade? Could I get your number now?' Brandon asked, rocking back on his heels, his hands in his pockets.

This time I looked him straight in the eyes, noticing a smirk sitting on his lips. Clearly he seems to think that he's getting his way. 'No. And seriously, stop asking me!' I said sternly.

I took Jack by the hand and lead him back to room 18, picking him up on the steps instead of letting him struggle on them. By the time we got back, Brandon following behind shortly, the room had been cleared of any mess that had previously littered the tables and the floor. I helped Jack make sure he had all the things he had brought with, which wasn't much. He was only required to bring a small bag with his lunch inside.

When the parents arrived, Jack's mother smothered him in kisses and hugs. Asking him how his day went and what he did. He only mentioned his new friends... one of them being me. I introduced myself to her and she introduced herself as Mrs. Thomas. I recognized it from somewhere, but shrugged it off, coming to the conclusion that there were many people at my high school with that surname.

'Thank you so much for helping Jack! I hope he's been good enough. Really, you are truly amazing for volunteering here during the summer. If only my daughter would do something like this...' she trailed off. Again the mention of the daughter. I was beginning to wonder if I knew this girl. Once again, I let it slide, not wanting to worry myself with petty things.

On my way out, I over heard Brandon talking to his friend, whose name I recall to be Neil.
'Man, why are we even here? I thought chicks digged the whole caring guy thing, this bites,' I walked past him going unnoticed, but filled with relief that I hadn't given my number to that douche.

I saw Kaden sitting on a bench by himself at the entrance. I stood in front of him and he evidently noticed my presence, because he looked in the basic direction of my face and said 'Hello?' as if unsure whether there was someone there or not. I smiled to myself, thinking that this guy was nothing like the other guys I know.

'Hey, there. Need a ride?' I asked. He waited a moment before answering.
'I suppose so, I was just going to wait for Miss Gregg, the receptionist. She usually offers me a ride if my sister forgets.'
'Well, you're in luck, sunshine. 'Cause I'm here to assist,' he smiled and I figured he must have picked up the smile in my voice. He stood up and offered his arm, as though he were the one who was going to be guiding me. I accepted it happily.