I Will Win, Watch Me

Two: The Job

1 New Email

I scrolled my mouse over the dark printed words that said, “New Mail” and clicked it.

The Email: .

“A man, who works for high status, betrays his wife and his children, just so he can get a nice taste of his assistant.”

This is wrong.

“A man steals money and black mails the company with one of its secrets, this man was going to get fired; this was his way of getting more money.”

Dear reader, do you think this man deserves to live?

Sincerely, Eradicate.

I smiled, so it is from him after all, I was thinking it would’ve been from the other guy. Just because this is considered a stupid move; an email, but the way he puts all this, would make it almost impossible to use in court. So maybe it would make sense for it to be from him. On the other hand though, someone with high intelligence could possibly link this to the man…

I laughed, yeah right.

He discussed some of what my next job will be, by hiding it in this way.

He says, “A man.” In both of the quotation marks, then below the second quotation, he says, “Dear reader, do you think this man deserves to live?” He says man, not men, which tell me he isn’t talking about two guys, only one. This man works for us, he did something wrong and he thought they were going to fire him, so he made a threat saying he would let out a company secret, unless they paid him a certain amount of money, every something months. I don’t know what period of time this man wants more money for keeping his mouth shut.

The part at the end that said, “Sincerely, Eradicate” isn’t from a man named eradicate, the man who sent me this email is telling me to, “eradicate” him.

My job is to make sure this man dies.

This man, who dared to threaten such a company, is one big fucking stupid ass.

I grabbed my notebook and quickly opened to a fresh page and wrote, “Two things are infinite: Space and human stupidity.” I then wrote something else and quickly set it down and closed the case.

This stupid man wasn’t using his brain. He’s working for a company that steals money, and definitely kills.

Why would he make such a stupid move?

This company would never fire someone who found out an important secret, they kill them. That is if they weren’t supposed to ever find out or know. Making a threat saying that you WILL spill out this secret, if they don’t deliver money, is an assured way to anger the company. Either way, he has assured his death.

The fact that they called me means this man could have gotten some recruits. People to protect him, that’s what he has in his mind, but he must have told them something different. He must have made some excuse, saying that he found a way of getting money from a man who stole from a bank, but he needs more people to help get the money, when really; he’s using these men to protect himself. That raises another question though, why wouldn’t he just hire body guards? I already know the answer to this question; it’s because recruiting these people and getting them to work with him, is a lot cheaper than a body guard.

I smiled.

I love how I can ask a question then know the answer sometimes after.

I still don’t know all of what my job is though; this couldn’t possibly be all of it. I’m a prodigy; they wouldn’t go easy on me like this.

I sighed. I guess I have to wait till I arrive to find out the rest of the mission.

I grabbed the suitcase I packed, and the duffle bag full of Lacey’s things, and then I grabbed Lacey and walked out the front door.

I put my jacket over Lacey, and then walked over to the car that arrived and got in.

I’ve always been trying to keep the fact that I have a child a secret from this evil. I know I won’t be able to keep her a secret; they’re bound to find out, or already know. I sat in the car with my eyes wide open as we traveled for a good five hours to our destination, we stopped.

I got out of the car with my things and stared at hotel. The man that offered to help me with my things, I growled at. He took a step back.

“Lead me to my room please.” I said.

He nodded.

When we stopped at my room, he handed me the key, and walked away.

It was difficult to carry all these things, including Lacey, and try to put a fucking key in the door. I actually would have really liked it if he OPENED it for me. I shoved the key in at last, after missing a good six times, and turned it and opened the door. I retrieved the key and slammed the door shut and locked it.

The first thing I did was check every single room, to make sure no one was in here. I then placed my things down on the bed; I kissed Lacey and hugged her gently in my arms.

“I love you my sweet.” I said as I reached my hand in the duffle bag and brought out a bottle and began feeding her. After I burped her, I set her down on the bed and handed her a toy.

I began searching around the room for cameras, I couldn’t find any.

After I accomplished that, I looked around for a big space…

I saw the desk at the corner and then I quickly ran back to the bed and grabbed a few blankets and put it under the desk, the feet area. I placed some of Lacey’s toy’s there; I then grabbed Lacey and placed her under the desk, and kissed her forehead.

“Be a good girl for Mommy, okay? I love you sweetheart.” I said and kissed her forehead once more. I then placed the duffle bag where the open space was, and then I placed my heavy suitcase there as well. I then threw my jacket at the desk, and it landed perfectly, covering the space that showed Lacey. My intention was to make it look like I was in a rush to leave, and was being messy. I dropped all my stuff off at the desk, called room service, threw my jacket on the desk, and laid on the bed. That is the impression I’m leaving here.

I know he will be here soon.

I walked over into the bathroom and looked at my black hair which had a blonde streak on each side, in the front; I then looked at my makeup, I grabbed my eyeliner from my pocket and put more on.

My light blue eyes flickered to the door, when I heard my phone ringing. I set my eyeliner down and went to find my phone.

I answered it.

“I’m waiting at the café off of Bakers Street.” He said and then hung up.

I placed my phone in my pocket and then walked out of my room, making sure it was locked, and then made my way out of the hotel and towards Bakers Street.

I saw the café and went into it, I looked around and then something caught my eye, and it was….
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 3 will be out soon