The Chronicles of being a merch girl: The Booth, The shirt, and The Band Boy.

Bordom has taken over

I looked around the front. I was terribly bored. Which is horrible for someone like me. When I get bored I get all twitchy and fidgety. Jenn was actually doing something productive. She was working to get us passports at the next stop. We would have time because we would be
there a few days. As for me I am just sitting and fidgeting like I said before. It was quiet on the bus today. Only quiet mumbling was barley heard. The bus engine was the loudest noise. It was driving me insane. My foot started tapping. Grant (Danny) was on the other bus. He's usually my chatter buddy. I grunted and Jenn glanced at me.

Jenn: stop it you're fine.

I frowned and huffed. My eyes darted around the room. Zacky, Brian sat next to him. They were quietly talking while skimming through magazines. Jimmy was watching some movie. Johnny was kinda watching it when he wasn't dozing off. Matt was eating some random shit. My eyes narrowed as I quickly chose my prey, my victim. I moved quietly. Like a ninja. Jenn
instantly looked at me and gave me a death glare as a warning to not go near her. I looked from side to side. Then moved a little more. So far all my movements were going unnoticed. Good. I stood up slowly and made my way to the poor doomed souls. I laughed evilly on the inside. I sat
next to Brian. He side glanced at me. I smiled and looked at Jenn. She kept watching my movements. I moved in a bit closer. Brian looked at me again, as did Zacky. I sat back and just bit my nails. They went back to their conversation. I stopped and let myself settle so as to blend
into my surroundings. Which worked. I took a deep breath.

Brian: what?

He said while looking at me. I shrugged and shook my head. He frowned and went back to talking to Zacky. My eyes narrowed once again as I moved in for the kill. I inched in. Zacky took noticed of my actions but it was to late to stop. His eyes went slightly wide with anticipation. Brian slowly turned, my finger went to block off a nostril, Brian was now fully facing me, I took a deep breath, and launched a snot rocket. Brian scrunched his face. Splat right on his cheek. Zacky's eyes went
wide. His lips pursed to hold back laughter. Brian opened one eye while taking in a slow angry breath. I busted out laughing. My finger in his face. Zacky joined in my mocking laughter.

Melly: oh dude that was SO GOOD! You never saw it coming! You fuckin' douche!

Jenn: that was gross.

She said with a laugh.

Melly: no it was fuckin' awesome!

I laughed some more. Brian just sat there with the snot splattered on his face. Zacky was still laughing.

Matt: what did we miss?

Melly: snot rocket on Brian.

Jimmy turned and started laughing.

Jimmy: booger face!

He yelled loudly. Waking Johnny up who looked confused as fuck. Jimmy's laughter made Matt start, Matt's got to Jenn, which only made Johnny more confused. Brian just sat huffing and puffing like a little bitch. I couldn't help but laugh.

Zacky: you have good aim Melly.

Melly: practice makes perfect! ARGH!!! I'M A FUCKIN' DRAGON! WATCH ME

Jenn laughed uncontrobally. My built up boredom had escaped. I jumped on to the couch and yelled in Brian's face. I grabbed his magazine and threw it at Matt. It landed on his food that splattered on him. I jumped from the couch to the table area. Jenn grabbed the lap top and pulled

Matt: what the hell?

Brian: she's gone crazy.

I screamed and made random noises. I opened all the cabinet doors and
shut them. I went into the bunks and ran back up to the front. The whole time the guys watched. Twirled around flailing my arms everywhere. One of my hands made contact with something.

Matt: aww that hurt.

I stopped for a second. He was rubbing his arm. I went to run again but fell and landed on Johnny. He wrapped his arms around me and I squirmed.

Johnny: slow down Melly.

Melly: can't...

I ripped away from him and tripped my whole way to Matt. My face landing incontinently by his crotch. I looked up. He stared at me wide eyed. Then laughter filled the bus. Even I laughed. Matt helped me up and sat me next to him. He firmly wrapped an arm around me.

Matt: need to calm down...take a deep

I followed his instruction. His hand rested on my hip. My back against his chest.

Matt: deep breaths.

I let out one last built up scream. It made Matt jump. It surprised me how loud it was.

Matt: better?

Melly: yeah a little. I'll be ok now.

He looked at me and smiled.

Matt: that was a bit scary.

Jenn: she's fuckin' crazy.

Brain: that's what I said.

Jimmy: they may think it was weird but I thought it was pretty awesome.

Melly: thanks Jimmy.

He nodded and went back to his movie.

Melly: we should dance guys!

I ran into the back and grabbed my I pod. I came back while searching for a song. I put in the I pod dock they had. Walk it out blared from the speakers. So I did as the Unk crew said. I walked it out. I didn't even have to ask Jenn to join me. She jumped right in. We together got crunk.

Melly: now walk it out Vengeance style.

Zacky looked at us. We crossed our arms and started walking it out like that. He smiled amused.

Melly: come on Vengeance. We know your a crunkin' man.

Jenn: yeah its in your blood.

He stood up and started getting down. He indeed knew how to walk it
out. It was amazing. He shook his ass all over the place.

Johnny: dude Zacky I didn't know you could get down!

Zacky: well I can gangster.

Melly: next song.

Jenn switched the song. Low by Flo rider came on.

Johnny: shit I can bust a move to this.

We laughed as Johnny whipped out some MC Hammer shit. He broke it down like a crazy fucker.

Jimmy: haha all Johnny needs is parachute pants!

Jenn: Johnny can't touch this!

She presented him with a move. He smiled and did a move. They had officially started a dance off.

Johnny: what now Jenn.

Jenn: fancy top this.

She popped her shoulders and leaned with it. The guys ohh'd. Johnny smiled and shook his head. He bounced side to side, slid, spun, and broke it down.

Brian: holy crap.

Matt: shit Johnny! Who knew you could dance like that.

Zacky: fuck that bitches.

He switched the song to Get Busy by Sean Paul. And let me tell ya. Zacky
is amazing at crumping. All the guys plus Jenn and me were surprised. I mean he maybe a bit thick but the boy can move. Jenn was completely blown away. Her mouth open.

Zacky: take that hoes.

We really didn't know what to do. Zacky danced away unchallenged. Jimmy stood up.

Jimmy: check out this old school move.

He dropped to the floor and did a perfect worm. He bounced up and did
the seawalk. The dance off turned into just a dance party on the bus.

Melly: you two need to get up and dance.

Brian looked at Jenn and stood up. He made his way next to her. She
looked at him and smiled. He did his little Brian dance with his hands.

Now I just needed macho man Matt to join in. I went to switch up the song. Something like Daddy Yankee. Jenn and me instantly got into it. The movements more extreme I guess you could say. Zacky quickly picked up. That kid is fucking amazing. Johnny got down. And Jimmy didn't hesitate to show his moves. Brian even let go. Matt stood up and started for the bunks. Or so I thought. Instead he started the song over. He walked in the middle. He looked at everyone then locked eyes with me.
And next thing I knew we were dancing. Now there is only one way to describe how Matt dances. A buff Justin Timberlake. That's right big buff, manly, rocker Matt, dances like fuckin' Justin Timberlake. We worked off each other’s moves. Crazy never did I think I would be
dancing with M.Shadows. At least not like this. Who knows how long all of us danced. All I knew was I finally wasn't bored. Who would of thought big bad Avenged Sevenfold could get down. Shit who even thought they knew how. I looked at all the guys. All of them sitting after our random
dance orgy. Sweat lining their faces.

Melly: dude did all that really just happen?

Jenn: it did. I never knew...I never pictured any of them dancing like that.