The Chronicles of being a merch girl: The Booth, The shirt, and The Band Boy.

Harry Potter and Pink Condoms

My eyes were glued to the small t.v. I watched in amazment as the Harry
Potter people moved about the screen. I tensed up as the dragon almost
got Harry.

Melly: oh geeze! Go Harry! Go!

I had seen the movie a million times but it was still just as good as
the first time I saw it. I was so enthralled with the movie I had no
idea what was going on around me. I bit my lip in pure anticipation of
what I already knew what was going to happen.

Melly: oh dude! Fly your broom Harry! Get the egg you fucking douche!
Go! The dragon is on your ass!

I pounded my hands on whatever it was. I held my breath.

Melly: this is so intense! Oh dear!

I shook my fists. My eyes went wide.

Melly: that's right! He got that fuckin' golden egg bitch!

I punched the air.

Melly: uh huh! He got the egg! Oh yeah! He got the egg!

I sang out. After my little song and dance I went back to being
hypnotized by Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Melly: don't open the egg. Its gonna hurt your ears.

I laughed.

Melly: told you! Stupid wizard.

My attention was ripped away from the t.v. A loud grunt came from
beside me. I looked down at my hands. They were pushing down on Matt's

Melly: sorry boss.

My eyes slowly moving back to the movie.

Matt: hey...hey...hey! HEY!!

Melly: what?!

I glared at him.

Matt: your knees are digging into my thigh.

Melly: are you saying I have bony knees?

Matt: no. What is with you and this movie?

Melly: I like it.

Matt: I get that but Melly you're like a kid.

Melly: at heart Matthew I'm only three.

Matt: that explains a lot. Would you like to trade seats? Cause you
keep beating me.

Melly: I'm good.

I just laid across him. It was easier that way. I felt his hand ease on
to the back of my leg. I looked back at it.

Matt: sorry.

He quickly lifted his hand.

Melly: whatever its cool. I know you're not trying to feel me up.

My head snapped back to the t.v. as something else happened.

Melly: dude! You see that! Harry is crazy!

Matt: yeah crazy. Melly.

Melly: now what?

Matt: I had no idea you could play piano.

Melly: man that was like fifty years ago. Speaking of...

I dug in my pocket for my phone. I grunted. I flipped onto my back and
kept digging.

Matt: what are you doing?

Melly: my phone is stuck in my pocket.

I pouted. He laughed.

Matt: don't wear tight pants.

Melly: I'm not. The pink condom thing sticks to my pocket.

He laughed. My phone has a pink rubber type cover. I call it the

Melly: Matt.

I whined. He watched being entertained at my problem. I whimpered.

Matt: fine. Move your hand.

He stuck his hand in my pocket. I squirmed around feeling his fingers
move about.

Matt: stop moving. This is hard enough as it is.

I relaxed, letting him get my phone. My eyes wandered back to the

Brian: OH GOD! You guys should do that in the back! That's the rule!

Me and Matt looked at him, confused.


Brian: this is so awkward.

Jenn pushed passed Brian. She quickly looked at us then turned around.

Jenn: ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! So gross! Melly!

Melly: what?! I'm so confused!

Brian: dude Matt, I mean I have all respect for you know. But the back
bro, the back. That's what its for.

Matt: what the fu-oh...

He looked down at his hand, at me, and back at Brian. His cheeks
flushed a little as he started to laugh.

Matt: we, I wasn't doing anything to her. I'm just getting her phone.

Brian: doesn't look like that. I mean she's on her back, your hand
looks like-

Jenn: stop! We get it.

She turned around and gave me a death glare.

Melly: what the fuck did I do?

She just shook her head.

Melly: you guys are the ones with dirty minds.

I sat up a bit.

Danny: woah. What the hell is going on?

Melly: its not what it looks like.

Danny: it looks weird is what it looks like. You on Matt, with his hand
where? I'm not sure. Jenn and Brian watching.

He grinned.

Matt: I'm getting her damn phone. The pink condom sticks to her pocket.

Everyone oh'd and nodded.

Brian: see and here I thought you were fin-

Jenn smacked him in the back of the head. She pointed her finger in his
face as a warning.

Brian: what you thought the same thing. So did Danny.

Jenn: be quiet.

Matt handed me my phone and I sat up all the way. Jenn came over and
pushed me off his lap.


She snuggled next to him. Glaring down at me, seeing as I was on the

Melly: yeah, yeah, yeah. Your mama.

Danny came over and helped me up.

Melly: thanks Grant. Danny. Sorry.

Danny: you know you can call me Grant.

Melly: its weird though.

Danny: can't be any weirder than what I just saw.

Brian: so are we gonna act like that just didn't happen?

Melly: nothing happened. So there is no reason to act like nothing
happened. Oh my God! Harry! Watch out for the evil mermaid!

I screamed. Earning concerned/confused looks. I sat infront of the t.v.
My attention focused back to the movie I had briefly forgotten.

Brian: what the fuck is wrong with you?

Jenn: besides everything? Nothing Brian. She's clearly not insane.

Brian: clearly.

Danny: I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Melly: see Grant thinks I'm normal.

Danny: don't worry I got your back. Us roadies got to stick together.

Melly: I'm a merch reprisentitive. But thanks for having my back Grant.

I ran and jumped on him.

Danny: you're still a roadie.

Melly: yeah but merch rep sounds more important. ROADIES UNITE!!

Danny: that's what I'm talking about.

Jenn: do we get coverage?

Matt: what do you mean?

Jenn: cause if we don't I can't continue working here.

She crossed her arms.

Brian: coverage like what insurance?

Jenn: yeah like insurance.

Matt: yes you do. Deathbat insurance.

Jenn: what kind of bullshit is that?

Matt: if you ever need anything. We got it covered. Deathbat insurance.

Jenn: you hear that Melly? We have Deathbat insurance.

I looked at her and laughed.

Melly: but I want Harry Potter insurance.

Jenn: now, now. We are only covered by Avenged Sevenfold.

Melly: alrighty then. Hey where is everyone?

Danny: around.

Jenn: well I'm going to the other bus that's where Jimmy is. Melly.

She said my name in a stern warning tone. Her look was enough for her
to tell me not to misbehave or do what I'm not supposed to. But I can't
help it. I have a mischievious tendencies.

Jenn: come on Brian.

Brian: what? Oh...uhh...sure.

Danny: what was that?

Melly: what?

Danny: Melly.

He mimicked Jenn's tone. Me and Matt laughed.

Melly: I've been a little devious lately. Its no biggy really.

Matt: as long as its no biggy.

Danny put me down.

Danny: I'm gonna take a shower.

We nodded as he went to the back. I noticed that Matt had got focused
on the small screen. My eyes following his. Harry managed to reel me in
again. I sat infront of Matt.

Matt: I can't see.

He pulled me back.

Matt: for someone short you sure do get in the way.

I shrugged.

Melly: good movie huh?

Matt: I'm not sure what's going on.

Melly: want me to explain? Cause I can, not only have I seen the movie
a billion times, I read the book.

Matt: no, no, its ok.

I frowned.

Melly: you sure?

Matt: yeah.

He reassured me. I smiled and leaned in.

Melly: I'm not insane, I'm not insane...

I sang out.

Matt: you sure?

Melly: I'm not insane, I'm not....not insane.

He laughed.

Matt: I don't want to sing when I don't have to.

Melly: you arn't I am. Mother! Come back to me its almost easy! Said it
all! Come back again its almost easy!

Matt: I've heard that song so much.

Melly: should I sing something else?

Matt: yes please. And not one of our songs.

I thought for a moment.

Melly: pour some sugar on me, when you need a friend.

Matt: def leoperd...good stuff.

I sat up and let my hair down.

Melly: I'm hot, sticky, sweet from my head to my feet yeah.

I sang while tossing my hair around. He chuckled.

Matt: stop before someone walks in and thinks its something else.

Melly: alright.

I sat down and laid against him like before. My eyes glued to the
screen. After a while things started to go blurry and focus back. I blinked
my eyes rapidly. Feeling a heavy relaxed calm come over me. I couldn't
fight how comfurtable I was. Sleepy time.