One Shots

Syn & Zacky's Sexy Time

“Zacky hurry up and stick it in?” Syn moaned.
“I can’t. It’s too tight.” Zacky replied in grunts.
“Just push it in hard, it will go in.” Syn whined.
“Shut up! I’m trying.” Zacky raised his voice.
“Well try harder, its not budging.” Syn moaned out frustrated.
“Do you want to do it yourself?” Zacky asked stopping what he was doing.
“How the fuck can I do it by myself?” Syn asked cockily,
“That’s why I need you to help me out.”
“Syn its not going to fit, it’s too tight, it will be damaged.” Zacky grunted again.
“Dude you’re fucking sweating, already.” Syn said looking at Zacky.
“Shut up. Syn I can’t do it. It’s so tight, it’s going to hurt you.” Zacky said stopping what he was doing and taking a step back.
“Please! You don’t understand how frustrated I am. Please I’m begging you. I don’t care if it hurts.” Syn spoke nearly in tears.
“Just face it Syn.” Zacky said patting Syn back.
“Your hat’s shrunk.”