Status: just a drabble.



the only thing left to motivate me.
without that spark it causes, there's nothing else.
there's darkness and emptiness in it's absence.
filling my whole soul with it's vigor and my urgency,
slowly becoming one.

without it, I would be nothing.
worthless, and abandoned.
an empty shell for others to pick at as they please.
ceasing to exist.

hopes of never leaving the other,
ever vigilant in my mind.
yet, doubt has silently slithered into my every thought.
only fears of being alone now.

all other matters are no longer of any significance.
what I live for shall leave me one day soon.
disregarding me for someone else's pleasure.
left to be stuck in an obscure void eternally.
♠ ♠ ♠
edited slightly. -_-