Status: Updates for this one will be slow.

Wishful Thinking

Chapter Six

Analise's POV
The rest of the day went painless and uneventful. Thankfully that guy didn't talk to me. I placed all my things in my locker and walked home. I got there and went up to my room. I placed my things down.
"Analise come down!" my father yelled actually calling me by name instead of bitch. 

I sighed and walked down. I saw my father actually cleaned up and well sober. I could say that I'm suprised but that's an understatement. I walked up to him.
"I hope you got everything packed like I told you."
I nodded.
"Good, anyway I have something to tell you." he said with care almost believable, "I sold you to an arranged marriage."
I stared at him mouth open. I wasn't suprised that he sold me. It was the fact that I'm getting married. I mean that made me scared shitless. I would have to live with a GUY, get touched by a GUY, and stay with a GUY for probably the rest of my life. I could get a divorce, but I'd be too terrified to even see what would be the consequences if I did. 
"You heard me?"
I nodded slowly. 
"Good they'll also be coming here to pick you up today." 
I nodded.
"So go up and bring your things down." 
I nodded and went up stairs. I then brought all my things down. All two suitcases of my entire wardrobe. I put them near the door and went to the couch to sit. I waited a good ten minutes before the door bell was rung. My dad got up from the couch and answered the door. A couple around their late forties came in. My dad greeted them. 
"Hello," he said, "Nice to see you again." 
"Yes, hello." the husband said, "So that is Analise?" 
"Yes." my father said.
"Well isn't she pretty." said the wife, "Decklin would appreciate her."
"Well we should be going." said the husband, "We'll take good care of her." 
"Good.", my father said.
"Decklin!" the husband called. 
"Yeah!" A teenage boy yelled. 
"Help bring her bags to the car!" the wife called. I heard a ugh and footsteps to the front door. I saw the boy and started to cower into the couch. Why did he of all people have to be my future husband?

Decklin's POV

I was beyond pissed. How the hell can my parents fucking arrange me into a marriage with some chick I don't even know!? The only thing I can think of is  that bitch is going through hell. 
"Decklin!" my dad called.
"Yeah!" I answered.
"Help bring her bags to the car!" my mom ordered. 
"Ugh!" I exclaimed. Why can't this bitch do it herself?  Is she that fucking lazy? Well whatever. I angrily walked up to the door and into the house. I went to grab the bags. I looked up as I left and I saw her. Hell to the mother fucking no! Her?! Of all fucking people. This will be horrible. She's terrified of me how is this gonna work. Sure I was curious why she was scared, but still I didn't plan on living or even marrying her. It was just simple curiosity. 
I walked to the car with her bags and placed them into the trunk. My parents and her left the house shortly later.
"Alright let's go." my father said. He walked to the driver's seat while my mom sat in the passenger's seat. I got in and sat near the window. My sister was in the car twitching with anticipation on who it is. My sister didn't want to come out. She wanted the suprise to come to her. I shook my head.
"Shut up!" she said apparently seeing me shake my head, "Im just so freaking excited!" 
"Well then be up for a huge suprise." I informed her.
The girl opened the door and went in. I chuckled when my sister sat there wide-eyed and mouth open to see the girl she wanted to be friends with.
"No freaking way!" she squealed.  
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