One Shots

Jussi69 one shot (2/2)

I looked at her bare back, as shivering as she sat on the other edge of the bed.
"I never meant to hurt" I whispered, my hands nervously playing with one another.

"I know" Then I heard her laughing softly. "You just scared the fucking hell out of me" She turned her front towards me, now showing a bit of her firmly formed chest. She looked great, and the best thing was she was naked, and seemed to feel comfortable with it.

"I.. I don't really know what to say now" I scooted a bit closer, close enough to reach out and play with her hair.

She softly moaned, letting me know she enjoyed it. "Maybe.. we should go to bed or something. Unless you can't stay here because of the light and you really wanna go and..."

I silenced her with my finger, laying it on her lips. "It's okay, if we just stay awake a bit longer, I'm able to sleep long enough until dark. It's Finland after all, a lot of darkness we have here"

She smiled, laying back down on the bed, looking at me as if asking what I waited for. Next to her, I placed the covers over us, taking her into my arms.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite you or anything; I already fed"

"Don't you hate it, that you've to kill people?" She asked with a little voice, her hand slowly making circles on my stomach.

"Every time I do it" I sighed, quickly grabbing her hand as she was teasing me by going lower with her hand every time she made a circle. "Don't tease me"

"Oh, sorry mister vampire" She giggled, laying down more closer to me, our legs now tangled.

I softly took in her sent, it was still sweet like before but now had the smell of our love making mixed with it. It smelled lovely.

"You like it?" She asked giggling.

"Can I ask you something? Like, the whole night you've been sensing things. You're sure you're not a vampire yourself?"

She stayed silent, again getting closer to me. "I don't know. Maybe. Can I be one?"

She looked up to me, and I knew I could get lost in her eyes.

"Maybe, I don't know about family or something. Like your half vampire or something" I chuckled softly.
"Would you like to be one?"

"Maybe" She said with a soft voice, obviously thinking about it. "I've always been interested in vampires, but I don't know if I'd be able to kill someone if I would really be one"

"You can get blood in another way then killing people, there are little tricks for that" I kissed her forehead softly, my arms slipping around her body. "Let's go to sleep, bet you gotta go somewhere tomorrow"


"Hey?!" A soft hand rubbed my shoulder. "It's getting dark outside! And aren't your bandmates missing you?"

It was a nice voice to listen too. And who cares about my bandmates, they're all off shagging some girl, and then off to find blood. Mostly from the girl they just shagged with. No, I'm perfectly fine here.

Where am I again?

I sat up, almost knocking the girl out with my head. "Sorry" I mumbled, looking towards the window, smiling when I saw she still had the curtains closed.

"That you really slept all day long.. I woke up around 2 pm, and I don't think I can fall asleep ever again" She sat down on the bed next to me, sometimes looking into my eyes, but when I'd look back, she'd turn her head.

"You're not afraid of the big angry vampire, are you?" I asked laughing, feeling quite relieved when she smiled too.

"Maybe" She paused, playing with her hands. "You don't need blood, like, right now, right?"

I laughed again, leaning forward to take her into my arms. "Of course not babe"

The blood pumping thru her vein, it was made for me, meant for me. I had to taste a bit, just a tiny little bit. My mouth was so close to her neck, my fangs showed up, out of nowhere.

When she screamed I felt I broke her skin, and started to suck at her neck. Her blood drove me wild, wilder then any other creature had ever done.

I pushed her over onto her back, really getting at it, making sure I had everything, until the last drop of blood.

Her body felt numb, lifeless. And I knew I had lost the girl who couldve changed me.