Sequel: I Want It All

Kiss My Ass

no matter what.

Alex didn’t sleep much that night. He kept waiting for Lyle to text him back—she never did. Not that he was really surprised. But he had definitely been hoping that she would. Of course, maybe the way he was going about trying to rebuild their friendship was the wrong way. But, well, he had to face it—he had never really tried to make someone forgive him before. Whenever he got into an argument with an ex, they quickly became that—an ex.

But Lyle was different.

Hell, she had always been different.

Maybe being honest would be the best way to go. And, yeah, yeah, Alex knew that—he had heard it his whole life. Honesty is the best policy. But he had always added a quick “unless it’s embarrassing” at the end. And, really, how was he supposed to tell Lyle that the main reason he had been upset is because he wanted to bone her instead?

Or, well, maybe “bone” wouldn’t be the appropriate term to use. But there was no way he was going to say make love because, well, he wasn’t that guy. Or, okay, maybe he wouldn’t even have to admit that. Maybe he could just smooth if over by saying that, yeah, okay he had been interested in her. That wouldn’t freak her out, right? It was a lot easier to take in than “hey, I wanted to bone you in high school.”

The next morning, Alex was actually excited to go to the studio. Not because Lyle had ignored his text messages all night (because she had) but because he actually had the opportunity to make her talk. And oh, he was going to. He couldn’t stand fighting with her, not anymore, and he decided that he was going to put an end to it.



Lyle actually managed to beat Matt to the studio the next morning. In an awkward grace of good will, she had stopped to pick up donuts for everyone. She knew they normally did get a long lunch break, at least long enough to actually go somewhere and get a decent meal, so she usually tried to keep snacks around. That and, well, a hungry Jack was not a happy Jack.

Matt was surprised when he walked into the studio to see Lyle already there, but he didn’t comment on it. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“How did you sleep?” he asked, setting his coffee down on the sound board before taking a seat.

Lyle shrugged. “Good. You?”

“The wife’s morning sickness is getting on my last nerve,” he grumbled. “Don’t tell her I said that.”

Lyle laughed. “I would never.”

“I mean, don’t get me wrong—I’m thrilled we’re having a baby. But I could go without her throwing up every few hours,” he told her.

“But you’re here most of the day,” she pointed out.

Matt took a sip of his coffee. “Same thing.”

Lyle smiled, shaking her head. “I hope you’re having a girl.”


“Because I think it’d be funny. Until she started to date,” she said.

Matt frowned. “She won’t date until she’s thirty.”

Lyle laughed. “Right. That’s what all guys say when they have a daughter,” she told him.

“I’ll kill anyone who touches her.”

Lyle shook her head again. “You’re gonna have a girl. Just wait and see.”

Matt sighed. “I just want a happy and healthy baby…and wife,” he added.

“Good answer.”

“Dude, you’re having a baby?!” Rian asked, walking into the studio.

Matt smiled wide. “Yeah, wife’s about three months in.”

“Congrats! Why didn’t you tell us?” Rian said, giving him the man-hug.

Matt shrugged. “You guys are recording. You need to focus.”

“Good point,” Zack agreed, also passing along a ‘congratulations.’

“Who brought donuts?!” Jack asked, immediately opening and taking one (okay, two) out.

“I did,” Lyle told him.

“Thanks, Lyle,” Jack said.

“Where’s Erika?”

Jack shrugged. “She said she wanted a day away from me. Can you believe it?”

Lyle paused, taking in the honest look of surprise on his face. She pursed her lips and shook her head. “No. Not at all. Total shocker.”

Alex laughed. “In other words, none of us are surprised,” he told him.

Jack scoffed. “Screw you, Lex.”

“Maybe later, babe,” Alex said easily, before his eyes landed on Lyle.

Lyle bit the inside of her cheek. Okay, maybe she should have stayed home, too. She could tell from the look in Alex’s eyes that he didn’t exactly forget that she never texted him back. And yeah, he didn’t look happy.

“Can we talk?” Alex asked.

“I’ll be right back, Matt,” she told him, keeping her voice low.

“Work it out,” Matt told her in a sing-song voice before turning back to his coffee.

“Be nice, Lex,” Rian reminded him.

Alex flipped his friend off before grabbing Lyle’s wrist (just in case she was having second thoughts about actually having a conversation with him).

“You can let me go,” Lyle told him.

“I’m good,” Alex said, dragging her into the bathroom. His eyes landed on someone who was washing their hands (someone Lyle recognized as a fellow intern) and he frowned, snapping his fingers. “You! Out!”

The guy scoffed. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

Alex’s frown deepened. “I said out.

The guy’s eyes widened and he quickly dried his hands. “Okay, okay, jeeze,” he muttered, before walking out of the bathroom.

Alex followed him and locked the door, before walking through the bathroom and making sure no one else was in there.

“What are you doing?” Lyle asked him.

“We don’t need anyone dropping any eaves.”

Lyle rolled her eyes.

“Why didn’t you text me back?” Alex asked her.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

“You left me hanging.”


“No, you’re not,” Alex mumbled. “I told you I was sorry. I don’t know what else I can do.”

“Nothing,” Lyle said with a shrug. “I forgave you years ago, Alex.”

Alex frowned. “So…you let me just make an ass out of myself for fun?”

“You didn’t make an ass out of yourself,” she told him, “and no, I didn’t.”

Alex sighed, running his hands over his face. “I don’t want to fight with you, Carlyle. And I don’t want this recording experience to be a bad one because we’re both bickering.”

“Then you need to tell me the truth.”

“About what?” he asked.

“Why did you get so mad when you had thought I slept with Ryan?”

Alex shrugged. “I, um,” he shook his head and sighed. “You were my best friend.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I…guess I was just jealous,” he told her.

“You guess you were?” she asked. “That’s not really something you have to think about, Lex.”

Alex smiled softly when she called him that—he hadn’t heard it in years. And, okay, he did miss it. “I was,” he admitted, “because I had always seen you as more than a friend.”

Lyle frowned. “What?”

Alex shrugged. “You wanted the truth,” he told her.

“Is that why you dated all those girls?” she asked, unable to stop the bitterness from creeping into her tone.

“They were never you, Lyle. That’s why they never lasted.” And, okay, Alex wasn’t used to sharing his feelings. And he did feel awkward. It just wasn’t his way. But if he was going to share with anyone, it was going to be Lyle.


He didn’t know how she was going to react; he felt as if he had to do something to save the conversation before he went down a road that he didn’t want to go. “But that was in the past.”

Lyle shook her head. “Right. In the past.”

“Past ten and…all,” he said with a shrug.

“Right. So…not present tense.”


“Right,” Lyle agreed with a nod.


“So we should get back to the studio,” Lyle suggested.

“Good idea. I should probably get warmed up. Fir day of vocals and all,” he told her.

“Right,” Lyle said, turning around and trying to open the door.

Alex walked up behind her and unlocked the door. “There you go.”


“No problem.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me, Lex,” Lyle said after he finished recording one of his parts.

Alex moved the headphones from his ears to rest against the sides of his neck, his brown eyes wide. “Kidding about what, Lyle?”

“This song, Lex,” she told him. “Did you really find a way to mention Kesha in a song?”

Alex smiled and shrugged. “It’s a good song!”

“You rhymed crunk with junk,” she said.

Matt laughed in the seat next to her. “I’ve heard worse rhymes, Lyle,” he pointed out.

“Yeah, but not from Alex,” she told him.

“It’s a fun song, Lyle,” Alex said. “It’s not supposed to be super deep and meaningful—it’s supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to make fun of the radio, you know?”

Lyle pinched the bridge of her nose. “You want to play this on the radio?”

“As a mockery of all the shit that’s already on there, yes,” Alex said with a definitive nod.

Lyle sighed and paused for a few seconds. “Well, it does make one feel like dancing,” she said slowly.

Alex smiled. “I win.”

And he meant that in more than one way. Not only had he finally opened up to Lyle about his feelings (even though he pretty much denied that they were still there…even though they totally were), but their friendship had almost simultaneously fallen back into place after their conversation in the bathroom. And it was easy. Neither one of them had to force it.

It just…fell back into place.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel I must reiterate that, yes, there will be a sequel. But it is not currently in progress. I do not have an ETA on when it will be posted, either. So please try to refrain from asking when it will be up--it isn't even written yet.
Yesss, this is the end. I'm aware that it didn't get as lovey-dovey as a lot of you wanted but I didn't feel it for Lyle and Alex at the time. Hence the sequel that is brewing in my mind. I also find that I like to write the process before the relationship and the drama leading up to it more than the relationship itself. I get bored with my own stories once the characters start to date. But I digress. Thank you so much for reading this. Silent readers are okay in my world, so. Anyway. You're all wonderful. All of your comments have made me smile. And watching my readers/ subscribers grow for this story (and subscribers grow for what isn't even posted yet--holy cow) inspires me and humbles me so much. You're all wonderful. And in closing, I will share with you this picture: click here. Because it's true. :)

