Love and Death

Chapter 1

Nicholas wandered the streets of Manhattan alone. It was New Year’s Eve and everyone else was in Times Square celebrating. Nicholas was far from happy about the New Year. With every year that passed, her felt himself fading away, dying slowly and painfully. Something was draining the life from him, but he didn’t know what. He coughed, grasping at his chest and holding his hand over his mouth. He doubled over, grabbing onto a railing to stop from falling to the ground. People walking past gazed at him in concern, wondering if he was all right. He closed his eyes, willing the coughing to stop. Instead, the fit intensified. He fell to his knees, gasping for breath between his coughs. A young woman walked over and knelt next to him.

“Are you all right?” she asked, concern in her voice. He nodded weakly, still coughing, and she put an arm around his shoulders comfortingly. “No you’re not,” she whispered in his ear. She sat with him until his fit ended. “Feeling better?”

“No, but thank you for staying with me,” he said, trying to catch his breath. “My name’s Nicholas.”

“I’m Jennifer. Call me Jenna,” she replied, smiling. He liked her already. She was kindhearted and caring. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders in gentle waves and her bangs straggled down her forehead into her crystal blue eyes. Her cheeks were red from the wind and she had a heavy fur coat over her thin frame.

“Nice to meet you, Jenna,” he said, his voice hoarse from his raw throat. “I have to be going now.”

“Will you let me walk you home?” she asked, offering his arm. He smiled and nodded.

“Thanks. I live in an apartment not too far from here,” he said, taking her forearm. They walked down the street together, enjoying the view of the lights of the city. When they reached his apartment building, he turned toward her. “I appreciate your company,” he said softly.

“Will I see you again?” she asked. He smiled.

“I’d like that a lot,” he said softly. “How about we do lunch on Wednesday?”

“That sounds great. I’ll meet you around one?” she asked. He hesitated.

“Well… How about two?” he said. “I have a doctor’s appointment and I was thinking, if you’re free, maybe we can go after?” He looked at her hopefully. She laughed.

“Of course, two sounds perfect,” she said. He smiled. “I’ll see you Wednesday, then?”

“Yeah, see you then,” he said. He went into his house and closed the door softly. He watched through his front window as she walked down the street. “Happy New Year, Jenna,” he said softly.
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Here's the first chapter. Comments are welcome!