Movie Star? Superstar? I Thought I Was Just a Normal Kid!

Chapter 2

I felt my eyes get wide. Oh my god. Is this really happening? They seriously picked me!? What about school? Track? Where am I going to live now? Will my parents even agree?!

Molly must have noticed the look on my face, because she leaned over and asked, "Hey, are you alright?"

"I... I'm not sure..." I replied carefully. I didn't want this to get out, especially without talking to my parents.

"Well, if you want to talk, let me know, okay?"

Despite my state of shock, I had to smile. That was just like Molly. She never pushed anything too hard.

"Thanks, Moll. I'll let you know if I need someone to talk to."

The rest of the bus ride I sat and stared out the window, simply thinking.


As I stepped off the bus, I remembered the screaming message. Maybe my mom already knows about the movie! Maybe that's what she was so excited about...

The whole walk home I thought about it, and by the time I got home, I had decided that the scream probably wasn't because of the movie. My mom didn't get so excited over things like that. I figured that if she knew about it, she would attack me as soon as I walked into the house.

Well, no one attacked me, and it turns out that the scream was for the vacation house my grandparents had just bought. Big wow. My mom was so excited because she had visited the house when she was a child, and now that her parents owned it, we could stay there over the holidays.


I had decided to save my news for dinner, so I went to my room, did my homework, talked to a couple friends, and showered. Finally, after what seemed like forever, my parents called me to the dining room to set the table. After we sat down, and both my parents had asked me about my day, I slowly said,

"You know, something interesting did happen to me today." I paused, waiting.

"What was that, honey?" Mom asked me.

"Well, you know that audition for High School Musical 3 that my dance teacher had me do? Well, I made it!!" I cried, waiting for my parents to join me in my excitement. They didn't.

Finally, Mom said, "Well, that is interesting."

Things got really quiet for a few minutes, until I gathered up the nerve to ask, "So, can I do it?"

My mom looked at my dad, and my dad looked at my mom. They held a conversation with their eyes, and I started to get butterflies. And then my mom said the four worst words that could have been said at a time like this.

"I don't know, honey..."
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