Status: rewriting


Drink to celebrate!

“Unbelievable” I groaned, I walked out onto the beach and sat down watching the waves. Why can't people just like me? I'd tried so bloody hard to get along with them. They weren't exactly perfect and easy to live with. It was similar to living with a bunch of rats, they got everywhere and ruined everything. I was trying to build a relationship with Matt, yet they were obviously trying to ruin everything, whether Brian was being truthful or lying I don't know. But I certainly wasn't prepared to sit around and find out. If Matt wanted me, it was time he came and got me.

“You alright?” Zacky asked, he came to sit next to me, a glass of orange juice in his hand, “I'm sorry about Brian. He gets like that when he's angry, he doesn't mean to upset you”. He stared out at the sea and nibbled on his lip rings slightly.

“I'm fine. I just don't know anymore Zack”

“What do you mean?” He turned his attention completely to me and squinted due to the sun in his eyes.

“I feel as though I've come here and just got in the way. I don't think anyone understands that I had to come here, there's no way off this island, you and I both know that. Addy is convinced something is wrong with me but there isn't. I just don't know where I've gone wrong, have I hurt her in some way?” I whispered, I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be weak.

“You haven't hurt her, it's something completely out of your hands. We've been put here for a reason. There's no way they would just pick us. If they wanted us seperate they would have put us on the island separately. They put me, Brian, Matt, Jimmy and Johnny together for a reason, I don't know why they did, but there has to be some logic in it”

“I guess. I just don't wanna be the most hated person on this island when I feel as though I've put myself out there for Addy. I'm not the nicest of persons, I know I can be a bitch when I want to be, but I'm hurting because I feel so lonely here. Now Brian's saying that about Matt and I just feel more empty then ever”

“But you have Andy and the guys” Zacky sighed.

“It's not the same Zacky, it really isn't. I feel completely different about Matt then any of the other guys, I genuinely like Matt. I wouldn't hurt him, I'd hate myself if I were to hurt him. I just don't feel that way about Andy”

“Tell him that then” Zacky smiled, I nodded slightly and leaned over so I could rest my head on his shoulder, I could feel him smile slightly against my head. “He'd be lucky to have you Laura, you are a nice girl, no one will ever change that. Just be careful”. He stood up from the sand and extended his hand out for me to grab. I clasped it gently and grinned at him.

“Thanks Zack”

We walked inside the house and froze when we saw three extra people sitting down, “Addy” I grumbled, she turned to me with a frown on her face. I sighed in annoyance, there I was hoping she'd gone for good.

“Play nice” Jimmy said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes at him sending a small smile his way, “Seriously guys, I've had enough of the arguing”.

“Well tell her to stop being such a fucking bitch then!” Addy snapped, everyone let out a loud groan, they were sick of it just as much as I was.

“Grow up Addy, I didn't fucking say anything” I laughed in annoyance, I turned towards the two new guys and held my hand out for them to take, “Hi, I'm Laura. But as you came in with Addy, I'm guessing you know me as bitch or something worse?”.

The first guy held my hand firmly and shook it, “Drama. Yeah, we don't really know you by anything other then sket”. I let a small chuckle escape my lips, I grinned his way and faced the guy next to him.


“Nice to meet you guys, how comes you're here?” I asked, “Not trying to be rude or anything”.

“Oh, we were in the jungle and I guess we just managed to bump into Addy. She was hungry and bought us back here so we could all get some food. I hope we're not intruding or anything” Drama said, I shook my head quickly.

“Of course you're not intruding!” I spoke quickly. The room became silent for a minute, “Why don't we have a drink to celebrate?”. Everyone nodded their heads signalling it was a good idea, we all got up and went into the kitchen to grab the alcohol out, I didn't realise we had so much. If I knew I would have been drinking it on a daily basis. Everyone began helping themselves to the high percentage spirits and were soon falling around on the floor in a mess.

“You're so drunk!” I laughed at Matt, I took a sip of my vodka and coke and gave him a cheeky grin, “How much have you had to drink?”

“One too many” he giggled, I stood up and placed my drink on the side before wrapping my arms around his neck, “Oh hey!”.

“Hi” I muttered, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, “Your lips are so soft”.

Matt lifted his fingers and brushed them against my hips gently, “your skins soft”. He started to trace patterns along my hips and belly before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips again, “I need a wee! I'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!”

Matt ran off quickly leaving me on my own to sit down, I looked around the room at everyone. Addy was missing which I thought was strange, I thought she would be socialising with everyone after leaving for quite a long time. But who knows? Maybe she ran away. And this time for good.

“Have you seen Addy?” Brian slurred, I snickered and shrugged, “Oh, that's strange. Like one minute she was in front of me”, he motioned to the floor, “and then the next minute she was like gone! It was like something out of Harry Potter”. I nodded my head while biting on my lip trying to hold back my laugh. “It's not funny!” He whined leaning over to tickle me.

“NOOO! LET ME GO!” I screamed writhing in pain, “BRIAN!”. He flopped all of his body weight on top of me and held me down while he continued his attack on my hips, “PLEASE!”. After a large amount of begging he gave up and let me go.

“Help me find Addy?”

“Sure, I need to find Matt anyway, he's disappeared” I giggled, the two of us linked arms and started to sway down the hallway in hopes of finding Matt and Addy somewhere. “Shh, let's jump out and scare them” I smirked, Brian nodded his head quickly liking the idea. We turned the corner and slowly pushed one of the doors open.

“Oh my god!” Brian whispered in shock, he stared ahead of us to see Matt and Addy laying on one of the beds kissing, “How could she?”. Within a few seconds Brian had sobered up and held a sad look on his face, “I don't get it... why Matt?”

He turned to walk away but I grabbed his hand to stop him, he spun around and gave me a questioning look, “I'm sorry Brian”.

“For what? That's not your fault” he said motioning towards the door that was now closed.

“No, not for that. For the way I spoke to you earlier” I muttered, he stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my face before letting a smirk fall on his own face.

“Why don't you make it up to me?”

“And how do you propose I do that Mr Haner?” I giggled playing along.

He leaned down and quickly connected our lips together, I moved my hands to his hips and pulled him closer to me, “bedroom?”. I nodded my head quickly and followed him into the bedroom before slamming the door shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long! I've had a few personal issues which have caused it to be late ):

Better late then never though ;) BIT OF DRAMA FOR YOUSSSSS xx