A Cornucopia of the Ethereal Flight.

Chapter 1

A Cornucopia of the Ethereal Flight

Chapter 1

The composition was simple. Two parts water and one part alcohol; it could, supposedly, lessen or nullify the white-hot sensation of a flame. Or that was the message riding in the current. The rumor had spread like wild fire; the burning sensation of fire was revered as a destructor but the news that the inventions of man could make even that gift of the deities null, was unknown to Tahlia.

Tahlia had always revered fire as a purifier and she felt dirty now that the inconsequential humans were meddling with that force of nature; she whispered a prayer to the gods and closed her eyes. She remembered how it had all happened. She had been so young and naive then, just a hatchling as she was; now she possessed knowledge those pesky humans could only dream of.

It had been the year of 1892, in the moth of September 13th, exactly 5:36 in the morning. The village of Reverend in the valley of Serendipity had had a new arrival; the cocoon was vibrating with the ethereal light of the gods. The occupants of Reverend had been excited. Their discovery of the parallel dimension, known as The Abyss to them, which hosted life was a news that had spread all over the world in a matter of seconds. The people of Eruna had never imagined that such an existence was possible but, as the great sands of time continued to fall, they soon discovered the vast mysteries of the world around them. The dark nights were no longer black for they had, in their own minds, reached an enlightenment that only the gods could accomplish.

The people of Eruna were thousands of light years away from the galaxy that was home to the Planet of Life, also known as Earth to its occupants. The planet of Valarienacil was something of a mystery; it was also known as the planet of the Three Blue Goddesses -the ever-present moon, sun and delta star represented the three deities. Their sun never set nor did their moon ever surrender to the light; their everlasting delta star was a sight that had graced the planet for centuries. Millions of years ago, the star had crashed into their atmosphere, which was about a hundred times thicker than that of the humans. Due to the oppressive atmosphere, the star had stopped in its tracks, a phenomenal that was never supposed to happen, and it stayed frozen there for the rest of eternity; it was also the twin of the meteor that had wiped out the creatures called “dinosaurs” on planet Earth.

The people of Eruna had been born from the flames brought on by the arrival of the star. It was the harbinger of life for them. The spitting fire had been kissed by the blessing of the Goddess Eruna, known as Epona to the humans, and had cooled their essence so that their corporeal bodies were fashioned from destruction. The massive tides caused by the impact of the star entering the atmosphere had caused the birth of the people of Giana, also known as the Nymphs. Their Goddess Ikiona had graced them with her presence and had given them life where they lay at the bottom of the ocean, waiting for the world above to become suitable for them. The people of Uchika, the people of the wind, had been born from the people of Eruna. The fiery essence of these people had rejected the carefree side of them and had given birth to the people of Uchika.

These three tribes made up the civilization of Valarienacil. The land was divided into three main quadrants - the valley of Serendipity, the skies of Eden, the mountains of Phantom and the oceans of Sand. The people of Eruna occupied the valley of Serendipity, which was the low-laying valley near to the Mountain of Heat. The people of Giana occupied the oceans of Sand, which represented the time flowing by and was a myriad of expectations -they were the great salvation; the closest things for peace between the secretive clans. The people of Uchika had flown freely through the limitless skies of Eden and the mountains of Phantom were the exiled lands for the great prisons. There were alliances amongst the lands but no clan was forthcoming. That is, until the incident.

A vicious war had been fought amongst the Eruna and the Uchika while the Giana had retreated to their waters. The Eruna had wanted the skies as their domain and the Ikiona wanted free pass to the land. The ideas of the two clans disagreed and clashed and the result of the quarrel was a war which wiped out nearly half of the population of Valarienacil. That was when the pandemic had started. The sickness had started killing and no remedies were found. That was when, as if it was a message from the gods themselves, a dimensional tear had ripped the foundation of what they all knew. The passageway between the two dimensions, a consuming black hole, had sucked the planet of Valarienacil and ran it dry. The people, one by one, all began disappearing. The people had thought they were all doomed and were cursed by the gods for their war and intolerance of one another and so they bonded together in the last moments of their existence.

The people had simultaneously drawn their last breaths and had closed their eyes for the last time, or at least that’s what they thought. Their connected consciousness had awakened, only to find themselves alive and well with their planet intact. They had thought all of the months of horror were just a terrible nightmare that could never be mentioned but only when a group of intruders, known as “humans” had intruded on their land, did the enlightenment begin.

Over the past centuries, they had answered some of the most puzzling questions of all, the main being “How were they and the planet still alive?” Through blinded minds and just the power of insight and intuition, they had guessed at the most probable answer. The black hole had created a whole new consciousness which explained their existence and because of their collected consciousness, the planet had survived.

Over the past fifty or so years, a field of science known as Noetic Science had proved that all thought had a mass and if the consciousness of all living beings were concentrated, then physical masses of great numbers could be moved, altered or replaced. Through this field of science, the unquestionable mystery had been answered; because of the centered consciousness of all the people of Valerienacil, the planet had been saved. All the people had thought of, for the last minute of their lives, was peace and tranquility upon the beautiful Valerienacil and because of that concentrated thought, the very psyche of the world had changed and shifted and resulted in the continued existence of Valerienacil.

The only problem, however, was the halt of reproduction. The people of Valerienacil tried again and again but no heirs were produced. Not until her first breath. It had been the year of 1990, the month of September 25th, exactly 9:33 in the night when she had taken her first look at life.

The scientists of Valerienacil were becoming desperate and had tried crossbreeding. At first the very notion of the idea was frowned upon and no results had been formed. However, the unthinkable happened. A male from Eruna and a female from Uchika had supposedly fallen in love and those emotions had caused them to conceive. The female had sealed herself into a cocoon and had come out after three days of painful transformation. Then the people had waited for exactly a year before her humongous cocoon had started to glow with an ethereal light.

The shell had started to vibrate and had cracked, seeping out liquid. She had emerged, naked and fully matured at the age of twenty in human years, from her shell of protection and had first gazed upon them with bright fire eyes. Her back had bruises and the moment she took a breath, she screamed. Her scream sounded through the entire civilization and horrified all. Terrible images of a product of mass destruction had floated into the people’s minds and had made their decisions against crossbreeding seem all the more logical. However, when she screamed a second time, they realized it was a scream of pain and not one of anger. As reluctant as they had been, they had rushed to her aid, hoping her creation was a success. Upon reaching her they had discovered the bumps on her back and her mother had rushed through with a wet towel and hot water.

After an agonizing hour of pain filled screams and bated breaths, she had emerged; her porcelain skin glowed in the sun, her sharp canines glinted dangerously, her beautiful face held mischief and her supple body was shadowed by confidence. From her back, a cornucopia of the ethereal flight sprouted; wings as dark as the night and as strong as the wind had graced her back. At first everyone had taken the color to be an omen but had soon receded and admitted defeat when they saw her very existence. She was hope. She was Tahlia.

Tahlia had learned all that she could about her people and had revered fire. Now as she heard of the way it was being mutilated, anger gripped her. “Nochnamarati koene facutila.” she whispered and closed her eyes.

Indeed it was a new beginning; the world should be weary. Their impression of the sweet and innocent Tahlia couldn’t have been more wrong. With her coal heart and her iced personality, she strode into the world and hid behind a mask of innocence. But she knew that, like all masks, her would soon be taken off and that would be her shining moment.

She smirked as she slammed the blade into the heart of her mother and sliced the throat of her father. “At least they died together” she thought. “After all, wasn’t that what they cared about the most? Wasn’t love the thing they preached about? They said that love conquers all; now I’m putting that to the test.”

She shook her head at the idea of love and walked on. She slammed open the doors and with a flick of her wrist, all of the occupants of the shrine room were burned to a crisp. She walked towards her intended kill; the Chosen of Epona stared at her killer with wide eyes brimming to the top with fear. “The chosen must be killed by hand.” She thought and brought up her hand. She ran the girl through with a powerful thrust of her arm and pulled the sword out in an almost fluid motion. She looked at the glowing script on the sword and smiled as she slammed it into the purifying flame of Epona, turning it into the blackest of night as the steel heated and the blood of the innocent burned.

Once she was satisfied, she looked at the lifeless body of her sister and yanked her up by the hair. She wrenched her head to side and buried her elongated canines into the soft flesh of her sister’s neck, effectively ripping out her throat. Tahlia drank until all of Saya’s blood was consumed and then pushed her body into the flames, watching with a vindictive pleasure as the flames claimed her rival’s body.

The ritual was completed and now she walked, the destruction of man flowing through her veins. She’d infect them all. How dare they insult fire? They had the audacity to even think of it and now they were going to pay.

She strode down the halls, killing and infecting all in her path. She reached the great wall that separated the Humans and Valerienacil and flashed her identification at the sentry posted there. The gates opened and she entered their realm, smiling in satisfaction. Just before she left for the town, she spun around and beckoned the sentry forward with a seductive smile. The male looked around cautiously before walking dazedly to her. She smirked and kissed him on the lips...just before she buried her elongated fangs into his neck. He screamed in pain and outrage and she whispered, "Forget all that you see and forget all that you hear. You are now carrying the plague." She kissed him once more and then dumped his unconscious body beside the gates.

He'd wake up soon enough and when he did, he wouldn't remember a thing.

She smirked at the new life growing inside him.

Indeed, it was a new beginning. It was the beginning of the end.

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This was meant to be a short story which will now be a novel, funnily enough.