Status: Complete

Closer to the Edge

Ready For The Ride

"You guys ready for the ride?” I ask as they all look at me nervous and scared almost.
They all nod at me and run out onto the stage. They start playing and I see the movement of the crowd as if everyone is one. I run out onto the stage and the pyrotechnics go off as I jump.
“How is everyone doin tonight?” I yell into the mic.
“Were Echolike and were here to rock you!”
The crowd answers me back with a huge burst of screams. This feeling is amazing it’s like no other. The way the crowd moves as one the sparks that go through my body as my voice is projected through the speakers. The lights flash and the guys are having an amazing time I dance and jump and sweat my music as the crowd throws as much effort into it. I jump into them and feel the millions of hands moving me. I get dropped at the back and I run back around to the front singing my heart out. The lights go out and we run off.
“You guys were amazing!” I scream as we all hug.
“So who’s the mystery band we were opening for?” Spencer asks.
“I dunno want to go into the crowd and watch?”I ask equally out of breath and smiling.
We all run across the dark stage and jump down into the barrier area I hear screaming people and we jump into the crowd. We get our pictures taken with about a million people and I sign t shirts. I hear a playback and the lights go off again.
“No way” I say breathless I push….. Wait more like walk through the crowd of people and stare up into the stage I was just on.
Thirty seconds to mars we opened for thirty seconds to mars?!?!?!? I watch him as he runs across the stage. I let the music take over my body and mind. I lose myself in the words of the songs they play. I feel someone in front of me and I know I am at the barrier I open my eyes and he is staring into mine with his deep blue orbs. He was singing to me I flashed him a grin and cupped my hands. He put his foot into them and launched himself into the crowd. The final song ends and the lights dim. The giant lights go on and the crowd starts swarming out of the building. I get tons and tons of people coming up to me still asking for autographs and pictures. When all is said and done I turn and begin to walk away staring at the ground. I look up and slam into some one.
“I am so sorry” I say backing up.
It’s him the man that I have dreamed of meeting.
“No it’s cool really I guess I should have been watching where I was going” He smiles at me.
I smile back and bite my lip I begin to walk away.
“Hey listen the guys and I were going to go get some food and drinks you want to come with us?” he says so fast that I almost don’t catch what comes out.
“Yeah sure ill got get changed and shower up and me and the guys will meet you at the barcella hotel.” I smile and continue walking.
I swear that out of the corner of my eye I see him do a little celebration dance but that’s not possible Jared Leto can have anyone he wants why would he be excited to be going out to get drinks with me and the guys.
At the Hotel.
“GUYS COME ON WERE GOING OUT FOR DRINKS WITH 30 SECONDS TO MARS!” I scream through the hotel room.
I am answered with a bunch of men running around the hotel room fighting for the shower.
“I call first shower” I yell again
I hear the all groan and plop down on to the couch. I get all showered and I sprinkle my body with shimmer powder paint my cat eyes put pink eyeshade on and wrap my towel back around me I brush my hair and the natural curl takes hold . I whip open the door “who’s next in line” they all jump up at once.
“I say Micha was the first up off the couch”
They all groan and Micha runs into the bathroom. I close the door to my room and I pull on some plaid skinny jeans and I lose fitting black tank top. I pull on my black high heeled boots and a bright blue jacket with buckles and straps all over it. I put some white sunglasses on top of my head and I am ready for anything. By the time I am all done with my preparations for the night the guys are waiting for me.
“Wow Ev you look beautiful” Spencer smiles.
I smile back and we head out to wait for them at the front of the hotel. We hear a few guys laughing and joking around and I turn there they are as beautiful as ever.
“Hey nice jacket” Jared says as he grabs a piece of the material and runs it through his fingers.
“Hey you too” I pop his collar up.
We start walking all the guys behind us joking around and introducing themselves to each other.
“Oh by the way I am Evalynne” I stick my hand out to Jared.
“And I am Jared” We laugh.
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My charecters!