Status: Complete

Closer to the Edge

Going up!

“Excuse me miss but should a beautiful lady like yourself be out on the streets alone at this time of night” I hear someone say behind me.
I turn and Jared is standing there sweat still on his forehead.
“Hey Jared how was your night” I ask smiling at him.
“It was really good the crowd was amazing”
I sit down on the sidewalk and stretch my legs out in front of me.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Jared asks me as I look at the sky.
“Yeah it really is”
“Oh my god its Jared Leto and Evealynne Vanhough” I hear a swarm of people rushing towards us.
I get up quick and Jared grabs me and pulls me to his side. They all gather around us and are taking pictures with us and asking for autographs.
“You two would be so cute together” one person says to me as she was getting her picture taken. I look around and notice that Jared and I have been separated. I lock eyes with him He winks at me and there is a flash. I look up and see a bunch of paparazzi. I walk through the crowd to him and grab his arm.
“I think it’s time to go” I nod my head in the direction of the paparazzi.
He shakes his head and says goodbye to everyone as do I. we walk out of the crowd and push our way through paparazzi. We make sure not to touch or even look at each other as to not send the wrong message out to the people.
“Evalynne Vanhough “a lot of paparazzi say at once. They all crowd me and again Jared and I get separated. I see him reach through the crowd and he grabs my hand and yanks me through. We quickly walk through the streets and into our hotel.
“I gave my room key back I am going to stay in the bus” I say finally pulling my hand away from his
“Last time I stayed at a hotel I got left there and I don’t want it happening again” I say giggling a little.
“Meet me back here in an hour” He gets on to the elevator and the doors slide closed.
I walk out of the hotel and the bus is sitting there. Why would he want me to meet him back there in an hour? What am I supposed to wear? I get onto the bus and flick the lock.
“Hello is there any one in here”
There is no answer. I walk out to the bunks and I change into a pair of black very skinny jeans and a white button up top I leave a couple of the bottom and a couple of the top buttons undone. I put on a vest and button the middle of it to hug my figure I add some black high heels and head into the tiny bathroom. I glance at my phone and I have about twenty minutes left. I decide to straighten my hair and do my eyes in green and yellow since my vest is a bright yellow. I look at myself and I am pleased with the way I look. I sit on the couch and flip my iPod on I play a couple of games and start to get antsy. I grab my wallet hook the chain to a loop in my pants and stuff it into my back pocket I walk out of the bus and lock the door behind me. I walk out in the cool night air.
“Don’t save me don’t save me cuz I don’t care” I feel the beat running through my fingers and into my toes I unplug my headphones and drop it into a pocket in my vest. I look around and make sure no one is out on the street I am on. I start to dance around and it’s so invigorating I haven’t done this in forever. I am so into the song that I don’t notice Jared leaning against the corner of the building. The chorus comes up and he starts singing with it. I turn quick and stop dancing the music still going.
“I didn’t notice you there” I blush good thing its dark out.
“It’s okay I like seeing people enjoying our music” He smiles. I reach into my pocket and turn my iPod off.
“Well Mr.Leto what did you want from me” I ask walking towards him.
“I just want to show you my favorite spot here in Prague” He smiles.
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Hey guys the next chapter was my favorite to write it has alot of lovely comments in it!