Status: Complete

Closer to the Edge

Never Regret

“What are you running from dear” I ask from the counter.
“Shhhhh Tomo and Jerms are looking for me to give me a purple nurple” He creeps out back.
Jared and I watch him crawl across the floor like an army man and hide in his bunk. We look at each other and shrug. We wait to say anything because we know the other two are close by.
“Have you guys seen Spencer?”Both men are holding their chests.
Again Jared and I both shrug and look at the two.
They come bounding out of the back of the bus and back into the street.
“Okay so ….hmm… How long has your longest relationship?”
“When did we start a million questions…I would have to say a year or so”
“I decided if you want to get to know me then here is the best way”
“Now it’s my turn mwahahaha” I look at him weird and prepare myself for the question.
“Would you ever date someone famous?”I hear Jared hold his breath.
“Well I mean I would but then again I wouldn’t want people thinking I am dating them because they are. I also wouldn’t want the tabloids making me seem like I am just doing it for publicity because I am in a band too” I twiddle my thumbs.
Jared takes my hands in his and leans his head against mine. He whispers in my ear.
“I would never let any of that get into the way if we got together.”
I wrap my arms around him and breathe in his scent.
“Jared I am glad that you are willing to accept the ups and downs of us dating but I can’t right now we have so much to learn about each other and I……” I am cut off by Jared’s lips crashing on to mine.
I melt into his kiss and pull away when I realize what I was doing.
“Jared we should wait a little longer” I lean in a kiss him again.
“Yeah maybe your right” He mumbles and kisses me more.
“Ow Ow!” I pull away quick and see all four men looking at us.
“Soooo when did you two become a thingy” Jyrmey points back and forth at both of us.
“Well were not exactly a ‘thingy’ to the public, Were just Jared and Evalynne to them we have to keep this hush hush guys I don’t want the press thinking I am doing this for publicity”
“We get it Ev you can trust us I promise” they all nod in agreement with each other.
“Okay now that that’s settled lets finish this thing so we can go home!”
That was it before we knew it we were all back home and being the normal geeks we usually are. My family being glad I am home safe and sound decided that they were going to surprise me and be there.
“Mac!!!!” I scream and run up to my big brother. I hug both my parents close and I have the hugest smile spread across my face. The guys come in and their families are there too.
We all get settled back into our normal rooms and our guest rooms are filled with our families we are the happiest people in the world.
A Few weeks later
I haven’t stopped texting Jared since I got home we are both happy to be home but missing each other like hell.
“Subs lets go get some ice cream” my brother yells up the stairs.
My brother and I call each other weird names because I looooove the sound of my bass in my car so subwoofer is what he is referring to and he loves big Mac’s from McDonalds so I call him Mac. I come bounding down the stairs.
“Okay but here’s the thing….” I look at him questioningly.
He blindfolds me and pulls me out the door. He directs me into a car and sits me down. I hear my door close and then shortly after his slam behind him.
“Mac why do I have a blindfold on?”
“You can take it off now” He says a smile evident in his voice.
I take it off and what I am met with is one of the most beautiful pieces of machinery I have ever been in.
“You got a Jag?” I ask my mouth in an O.
“You like it”
“I freaking love it!”
He starts it and we begin our journey to our favorite ice cream spot.
“Remember that one time you peed in mums plant and pretended it was yellow Gatorade?”I ask laughing more.
My brother and I always reminisce on times like that when we are getting ice cream.
“It’s because I thought it would sink into the soil I didn’t think it was a fake plant!” He yells in a playful way.
We both start laughing. Next thing I know we are both getting launched forward I feel my seatbelt lock up and my head slam off the dash and then the passenger’s side window. My knees hit the dash and all I can do is scream as the car slams around in almost slow motion. I feel the vehicle come to a stop and I open my eyes. My neck is killing me and I look up. I see blood everywhere and my vision is kind of hazy. I shove open my door and unbelted myself. I fall out of the car and wait for the world to stop spinning. I slowly get up off the ground and look at the mess of twisted metal in front of me. I look over into the other car and the guy is laughing. I look back into the wreckage that was my brother’s car and notice that he is not in there. I frantically look under the car and in between the pieces I then look up and around us. I see a body a few yards away from us. I run over and fall to my knees as I look at my bloodied broken brother. I study him his body is twisted in an un natural way.
“Micah… Micah please answer me” I feel the tears streaming down my face as I stroke my brothers.
“Evan is that you” his voice is a whisper.
“Yes it’s me Micah please open your eyes.” I see his eyes flutter open.
“Stay with me please” The tears are coming down harder now.
“Ev I just want you to promise me one thing...” He coughs.
“What Mic…” My voice catches.
“Never lower yourself you are an amazing person I always will love you… And… “He stops.
“I love you too Micah just stay with me the ambulance will be here soon I promise” He doesn’t answer me.
“Micah please answer me just stay with me don’t leave me alone I can’t go on without my older brother Micah….. Micah” I scream and shake him. I lay his head on the ground and hug my knees to my chest. I look up and see the man stumbling towards us. I hear sirens getting closer and closer.
“Good acting job kid you really look dead” The man slurs looking at my brother.
I stand up quick and jump on the guy.
“You fucking drunken bastard you killed my brother my best friend” I say while punching him repeatedly.
The cops pull me off of him and I am fighting to get back to him so I can beat the shit out of him.
“Let me go he killed my brother because he is fucking drunk” I get an arm free and launch for him.
“Ma’am we are going to have to ask you to calm down you need to get looked at to make sure there were no internal injuries” I calm down a little bit the sobs consuming me. They load me into the back of the ambulance on a gurney and my heart is racing.
I turn to one of the EMT’s and put my hand on their knee.
“Is my brother alive” I whisper not ready for the answer I was going to get.