The Reflection of a Lie

Seven Seconds

The wind whipped through her black hair and the biting cold stung her rosy cheeks. Her pale form stood at the edge of the cliff, staring down at the waves crashing over the jagged rocks. She had stood here before, but in a different time.

Seven Seconds

They are so short when you’re with the person you love. So short on a normal daily basis. But they aren’t short when you’re watching some one die. They are agonizingly long when you watch the fear and realization in their eyes when they finally figure out what is going on. She could remember every moment and every second.

Seven Seconds

Was the amount of time it took to hit the rocks below after their feet left the edge. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the memories. Three memories to be exact. She allowed her mind to go back in time. To relive every moment. She could barely remember a time before the deal, it felt so long ago. This was the last one though. The last one to repay her debt. She should have never made the deal.

Seven Seconds

Was all it took to convince her.

Seven Seconds

The amount of time it took him to walk away from her.

Seven Seconds

The amount of time it took her to sell her soul.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm making this into a 5 part one shot. The next 3 will be the memories and the last will be the ending obviously. It took me forever to come up with this idea, but I think it will be awesome. I will tell you right now, the main character doesn't have a name. I couldn't think of a good name so I decided not to name her.

Do you think you know what she's up to?
Leave a comment and let me know what you think, I won't say anything until the third one.