The Reflection of a Lie

The Rejection

She sat straight up in bed with a large grasping breath. Sweat covered her entire body and her head was pounding in rhythm with her heart.

“You ok?” A voice asked from beside her and she burst into tears when she saw him lying next to her alive and well. “What’s the matter babe?” He asked in a concerned voice and propped himself up, allowing the sheets to show his toned torso.

“It was just a really bad dream.” She said with a smile and wiped a few of her tears away. She then leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer to deepen the kiss and she soon kicked the sheets away allowing them to move freely.


Every day for two weeks she was the best girlfriend that any guy could wish for and every day it seemed to be working. Until one day history started to repeat itself and her world started to crumble again. He was coming home later and later and their love life was slowly becoming slower and less passionate. She wanted to get down the the bottom of what was going on and so one day she waited for him after work and followed him to a house not too far from theirs. She watched in heart ache as a beautiful woman embraced him and they quickly attached their lips. He walked into the house like it was his own and a tear slid down her face as she watched through the shades as he slowly undressed the other woman.

“Bastard.” Was all she muttered and drove away from the house. Her anger almost blocked out the realization of what this meant. Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she remembered her deal with the devil and she realized what she was going to have to do. Maybe she could still fix this.


He came home that night to a pitch black house and his nerves for some reason were on edge. His mistress Maria had convinced him that if he didn’t love his girlfriend anymore to leave her. A lot of thought went into his decision and he decided that tonight would be the night to tell her about his affair. He silently climbed up the steps and unlocked the door, which surprised him. She normally left the door unlocked for him and that was his first indication that she knew something was wrong.

“I’m home.” He called and a cold shiver ran down his spine as his voice echoed with in the house.

“I’m upstairs.” Came a faint reply and his heart tore a little as he thought about what he was about to do. Maria had already told him that he could come to her house after he did the deed. That was his only sense of comfort in this situation was Maria.

He slowly made his way up the steps, each step seeming harder than the last until at the top he was out of breath. His guilt weighed down heavily on him as he opened the door and saw her sitting on the window sill with her legs curled into her chest. He only saw her profile, but saw the her cheeks had tears stains down them and the slightly sniffle gave away that she had been crying.

“Are you okay?” He asked quietly and took a step back in shock when she let out a cold laugh.

“You know the answer to that. What’s her name?” She asked and a shocked expression remained on his features. His first instinct was to try and lie his way out of it.

“I have no ide-” he began but she cut him off.

“Don’t bullshit me.” She whispered as another tear ran down her cheek. “This isn't the first time.” Her last sentence caught his attention.

“What did you say?” He asked and took a step towards her, but she shook her head.

“What’s her name?” She asked again and this time looked at me. Her eyes looked flat and where red. Her nose was also red and she looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks, this was the first time he had noticed her current condition.

“Maria.” He said and almost smiled when he said her name. She caught the slip and a flash of pain ran across her features.

“Do you love her?” She asked and he thought for a minute and then nodded his head. She took a shaky breath and looked back out the window for a few seconds that seemed liked eternity. “Do you love her more than me?” The question knocked the breath out of him, but he knew that he did.

“Yes.” He said and she crumpled as though she had just been punched in the stomach. Her breathing became labored and it looked like she was struggling against something. He didn’t know that slowly her soul was being ripped from her body.

“Say it out loud. Say that you want her more than me.” She hissed out and he was little concerned about how bad she was taking this.

“Are you o-” He began, but again she cut him off.

“SAY IT!” She screamed as if in pain and he took a step back.

“I love her more than I love you.” He said and she bent backwards in pain, as a white light left her chest. “What the fuck was that?” He asked and ran to her as she fell from the window sill.

“It doesn’t matter. Just leave.” She whispered and weakly tried to push him off.

“That wasn’t nothing.” He tried but she just knotted her brows together.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Why don’t you go to Maria?” She asked harshly and the words cut him a little.

“Fine I will.” He said and took seven steps out of the door.

“Good riddance.” Was the last thing she said and he exited the house.


“Well that sucks.” A familiar voice said from across the room and she weakly looked up.

“I don’t even get a few minutes to recover. You didn’t tell me it would hurt that bad.” She said between deep breaths and glared at him from her still sprawled position on the floor.

“Sympathy never was my thing.”

“I see this.” She muttered and yelped when she was picked up off the floor and flung onto the bed.

“What did you say?” He spat with his eyes red. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, slowly moving into a more comfortable position.

“I said I can see that you aren’t good with sympathy.”

“Sorry to loose my cool. You aren’t afraid of me?” He said and sat on the bed immediately warming it up.

“You’ve taken my soul AND the one I love. You can’t really do much more to me right now.” She said and buried herself into her pillows.

“Fair enough. Anyway I came here to remind you of your end of the bargain. Seven souls you owe me, before you can get yours back.” He said and gently pulled the covers over her body.

“Is there a time limit on how many days I have to do this?” She asked groggily with her eyes closed.

“Seven days.”

“You definitely have a thing for the number seven.” She mumbled as sleep suddenly rolled upon her.

“You start tomorrow.” He said and clapped his hands making all of the lights go out and disappearing as she drifted off into a sleep filled with nightmares.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to put out and I apologize if its bad. I've been sick for the past week and a half, but I wanted to get this out.

Hope you enjoy!