Status: active :D


Well I think I'm gonna start off by describing myself my name is Makayla but people call me Kayla but you can call me anything. I live in a small town and I'm still in high school but the most weird thing about my life is my best friends are the guys of Allstar Weekend. It all started when we were all 3 that's when I met Zach and we've been best friends from then, then I met Cameron, Michael, and last but not least Nathan.

I used to hang out with them all of the time and still do but let's get back to me I'm 17 years old I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm not very tall but I'm not short either. My full name is Makayla Elizebeth Ahrens. I'm a senior in high school and I have only a few friends and their names are Zach, Cameron, Nathan, Michael, Athena, Ashton, Kaitlyn, and a few more well that's it for now!! :D (there are more characters coming in but some don't know each other yet but they will, some characters won't show up in the story for a while but they will show up I promise)