Status: New. :D

Teenage Misfits

Juliet Gallo was born with a heart defect, she's always been in and out of the hospital and treated like a freak for her illness. Finding a heart seems to be impossible with her rare blood type, O-. She's repeatedly told she will die before she turns twenty. She has no reason to hope for a miracle.

Sam Perugini is a delinquent in his last year of high school. He can't wait to get out of town and leave everything behind, but his dream is shattered when he is caught with drugs he stole from a nearby hospital.

Juliet needs hope, not a confused boy who has a criminal record and no great plans for the rest of his life. Sam needs someone like Juliet, but he doesn't know how long he can keep her or if she even wants him too.

Fate may bring two together
But who says love lasts forever?
  1. Sickness
  2. Temper
  3. Trouble
  4. Girl
  5. Sam
  6. Curiosity
  7. Talent
  8. Fear