Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

The guys

The spring rain showers hit our window as we cuddled on the couch under our blanket watching baisically our past year on film. Memories of it filled my mind. Thanksgiving and christmas at the Way's house was more amazing than anything I've ever experienced.
There was more love in that household than there ever was in mine. His whole family liked me so I guess that was a good thing.


On our way to his parent's house I was stressing about meeting his extended family. Yes I had spent christmas' with them but I had never met his extended family.

"Mikey what if they don't like me."

"Don't worry if I love you they'll love you." That comment made me smile. We soon pulled up in his driveway, he parked the car and we got out grabbing the bag of gifts that we had bought. We walked up his porch and rung the door bell.

Immediatly when the door opened the smell of food hit my nose. It was amazing.
Before another thought crossed my mind I was almost knocked over with a bone crushing hug from Mikey's mother.

"Hello guys. Come in." She said. The tiny house was filled with people, some on couches and chairs, others just sitting on the floor. Gerard came up to us giving us both hug. Mrs. Way took the bag of gifts and put them under the tree. I could already tell that this was going to be the best christmas I ever have.

End Flashback

That night I met all of Mikey's extended family. They were all so loving and nice it was almost overwhelming, but amazing all the same. his whole family liked me and one of them even asked when we were going to get married, that made me feel awesome.

Hardly any fights or arguments filled my mind. There weren't many, me and Mikey hardly ever faught and even if we did we forgave each other the next day. Right now there was nothing that could make me happier than seeing his face.

"So what's going on with the band?" I asked Mikey.

"Nothing except tomarrow we have a meeting with eyeball records."

"Do you know what the meeting's about?"

"Um I think it's about the record contracts and touring. Just stuff like that."


"Well what should we do today." He asked.

"I think the guys wanted to come over today." I looked back at his hazel eyes, he smiled.

"Oh really and how did you find this out."

"Well Gerard called yesterday."

"And you didn't tell me, well I oughta..." He started tickling me, causing me to fall on the floor. I heard him laughing at me. I got up and brushed myself off.

"I will not engage in your childish behavior." I said trying to be serious. His face got serious, then he got up.

"Fine then I'll just have to do this." He put his arm on my waist and pulled me toward him. Our lips touched softly but I put my arms around Mikey's neck deepening the kiss. After a while I pulled away smiling ear to ear. When I did that there was a knock at the door.

I pushed Mikey away from me and walked over to the door. I opened it and the guys came rushing in. After they all did that there stood a girl she looked very shy.

"Hi I'm Franks new girlfriend Jamia." She said nervously sticking out her hand.

"Hi I'm Mikey's girlfriend Amberlynn but you can just call me Amber." I said shaking her hand. "Come in." She walked in and went straight over to Frank who put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. I smiled at that, I could tell already that Frank genuinly liked this girl.

She had black hair that came down to her chin and she had the sweetest hazel/brown eyes. She wasn't the skinniest girl in the world but she definatly wasn't fat.

"Hey guys." I said getting everyone's attention. "Are you guys staying for dinner?"

"Duh." Gerard said.

"Well then what do you want." I asked.

"Chinese sounds good to me." Bob said shrugging his shoulders. Everyone seemed to agree so I walked over to the phone and ordered the food. I had to go get it in twenty minutes.

After doing that I walked over to the couch and sat down on Mikey's lap. He put his hands around my waist and pecked my neck. The rest of that night was awesome.

The guys slept over. The apartment is only one bedroom so baisically they were strewn everywhere. Frank and Jamia were on the couch, Ray was in the rocking chair, Gerard was on the floor by the TV, Bob was on the floor by Gerard and of course Mikey and me were in our bed.

"I had fun tonight." I said to Mikey as we got into bed.

"Me too. I just hope that all goes well tomarrow." He said.

"Oh don't worry it will. You guys are great." We lay down and Mikey turned off the light.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Night. Love you."

"Love you too." He said. I pecked his lips then turned over and went to sleep.

The alarm went off on the clock signaling that it was time for me and Mikey to get up so they could be at the record company on time. I sat up, turned off the alarm and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Mikey was still sleeping. I'll tell you that boy could sleep through anything.
"Hon wake up." I said. He didn't move. I smirked and pushed him so hard he fell off the bed to the floor.

"What the-" He said. I was to preoccupied with laughing on the bed at him.

"Your mean." He said getting up off the floor and walking out. After I was done laughing I pulled myself off of the bed and walked out into the living room/kitchen.

All of the guys were getting up and I knew they were going to be hungry so I decided to go make waffles. I got all the stuff out and started making them.

"You want help." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Jamia.

"Yeah thanks that would be nice." She started helping me.

"You know if you want you can stay with me when the boys leave." I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds nice." She said. In about fifteen minutes all of the waffles were done and
all of us sat around the living room eating.

"So Jamia's going to stay with me while you guys go to the meeting." I informed everyone.

"Don't Jamia she will bite you." Frank joked in a scared voice.

"Thats right I do bite but I only bite people with the name of Frank." I clenched my teeth at Frank, he pretended to be scared. The guys finished eating and left for their meeting at 11:00.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked Jamia.

"Um I don't care you can pick. What do you want to do?"

"Well we could plan a surprise double date for me, you and our sexy men." I suggested.
"Yeah that sounds good."

So after a little while we had planned for us and the boys to go to a fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant. We hoped it was good news that they would tell us when they got home, but if not then we were going to make this a good night.

Now we were waiting around for the boys to come home.