Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

VMA Pre-Show

*Two months later*

Today is the day of the MTV Video Music Awards. My Chem is sceduled to play at the pre-show, it's the first time anyone will hear the new music. All of the guys are really excited and nervous. Mikey's been asking me all day "do you think they'll like it?" I'm kind of sick of saying yes to that question.

I am now twenty-four weeks and glad that both of the babies are still alive. The doctor said I will not go full term because it would be risky to the health of me and the twins. They are going to schedule me a C-section when I'm thirty-four weeks so I only have ten more weeks to go. The doctors also put me on limited movement so right now I'm sitting in a hotel room reading a book.

I looked out the window as I put down my old copy of To Kill A Mockingbird. Our room looked over times square which was pretty cool to see. There were tons of people walking around it but from where I was sitting they looked like little moving dots from an old video game. Just then Mikey and the guys walked into the room from their practice. I sat up on the couch and Mikey sat next to me.

"How are you doing?" He said rubbing my now bigger belly.

"I'm doing good. Bored as hell, but still good." I said.

"I know your bored but the doctor said to just stay rested."

"Yeah, yeah I know but I hate it."

"Well we're all going out to eat before we play do you want to come?"

"Hellz yes." Mikey got up then helped me up as well.

"Well go get ready then come down to the lobby." He said. I pecked his lips then started walking to the actual bedroom me and Mikey were staying in. I put on my jeans with elastic and my very large My Chemical Romance t-shirt. After I did that I just put my hair up in a messy bun and made my way down to the lobby.

Mikey was standing by the doors waiting for me. There was a fifteen passenger van parked outside the hotel, I'm guessing that was ours. Once I reached Mikey he took my hand and we got in the van. The driver of the van drove us to a nice restaurant and dropped us off at the front door. We all got out and walked into the restaurant. The hostess seated us in one of the party rooms considering how big our group was.

Everyone got into conversations while we waited for the food to arrive.

"Tomarrow do you want to go shopping in the city or something?" Mikey asked me.

"Yeah that sounds nice, maybe we could buy some stuff for the babies." I said.

"You know what we haven't talked about for a while?"


"What are we going to name them?" He asked.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could use Taylor and Tyler but I want your opinion on it too." I said.

"I like those names, can I pick out the middle names?"

"Yeah of course."

"For the middle names I was thinking Tyler Michael and Taylor Mackenzie."

"I like those a lot, they're initials would be the same." I said smiling.

"So do you want to use those names?"


"Are you getting excited?" He asked.

"Yeah I am excited but I don't want to get to excited and then find out that they both died." I explained.

"I guess I'm there too. Like I'm excited but there's still that bit of nervousness."

After dinner we all loaded back in the van and went back to the hotel. The guys immediatly started dressing and getting ready for the show. Mikey didn't have much to do just put on his eyeliner, seeing as he cut his hair not to long ago, it was also black now. I like it but I kind of miss his old hair.

The VMA pre-show came around and we all started heading up to the roof of a really tall building. All of us girls stood right in front of the stage with the rest of the fans. Some of them wanted pictures with us then others down right hated us.

"Here they are, My Chemical Romance." One of the announcers said. Tons of cameras pointed to the boys and they started playing Welcome to the Black Parade. The girls were the only ones that knew the words since no one else has ever heard it.

The song was almost over when I had a really bad pain surge through my body. Thinking it was only one of the babies kicking really hard I just kept on watching. They ended the song and as soon as it was done another stronger pain went through my belly.

"Oww!" I yelled falling to my knees.

"Oh my god Amber!" I heard Mikey yell, in a flash Mikey was right by my side. "Someone call an ambulance!"

"Tell me whats wrong?" Mikey asked.

"I think I'm having contractions." Another pain made its way throughout my body, I shut my eyes and tryed to pray for god to keep these babies alive.