Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

The Hospital

The paramedics that were already at the pre-show came up to me and started putting me on a gernie. They were timing my contractions while they were wheeling me down to where the ambulance was parked.

"Well it looks like your contractions are about five or six minutes apart, you're in full labor." The paramedic said.

"No it's too soon." I said as they put me in the ambulance. Mikey got in with me holding my hand.

"How many weeks are you?" The guy asked getting in.

"Twenty-four." I said as the ambulance pulled away. The only reason they were taking us in an ambulance was because I was a very high risk pregnancy. When Mikey had told the guys I had twin to twin transfusion syndrome they knew that the reason I was going in to labor is one of the babies is in distress.

In a matter of five minutes they took us to the closest hospital and wheeled me up to labor and delivery. When they took me into one of the rooms, I got out of the bed I was in and into the bed that was in the room. A gynacologist came in with a nurse and got me hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and stuff.

"We're going to give you a drug that will hopefully slow down your labor," The doctor said. "We have to try and slow it down for as long as possible."

"It's too soon." Was all I could say.

"Yes it is but if we see one of the babies doesn't have enough fluid we might have to do an emergency C- section." She said. One of the nurses brought in an ultrasound machine and started setting it up. Mikey was still by my side holding my hand, I looked over at him.

"I'm scared." I said.

"Don't worry honey, it will be okay." He said pushing some hair out of my face.

The doctor walked over to me and pushed my shirt up to reveal my belly. She put the gel stuff on it then put the ultrasound thing on it. She looked hard at the screen trying to see if the babies were alright.

"Well for right now they will be fine. I'd say in about two weeks we should deliver them. We just have to wait and see." She said.

"Will I have to stay in the hospital until then?" I asked.

"Yes, we don't want to take any chances." The doctor said.

"Alright." I said. After that she walked out leaving me, Mikey and the beeping monitors in the room. My contractions had almost stopped by now from the medication they had given me.

"Your going to have to go back to Jersey and get my stuff for me." I said.

"Yeah I will," He paused. " I just don't want to leave you."

"I'll be fine."

"What about the babies?" I put my hand on his cheek rubbing his face with my thumb.

"Everything will be fine, don't worry."

"What did we miss?" Gerard said coming in the room with everyone following him.

"I'm having a C-section in two weeks." I said.

"Oh, I need people to come to Jersey with me and I need a couple of you to stay with Amber." Mikey added.

"All of us girls will stay with her, right?" Alicia said. All the girls replied with a yes.

"Alright when do we leave?" Frank asked.

"We need to go right now." Mikey said. Mikey came back over to me and sat on the bed.

"You stay in this bed." He said.

"Goodness you sound like your mom." I said laughing.

"I'm serious be careful."

"Mikey don't worry I will."

"I'm sorry I just love you and these babies so much, it's insane."

"It's not insane and I love you too more than you know." He leaned in and planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

"I'll see you either later tonight or tomarrow." He said getting up.

"Okay bye honey." I said waving to him.

"I love you." He said walking backwards to the door.

"I love you too." I said, he blew a kiss to me and then walked out of the door.

"You two are so cute together." Jamia said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I absolutly hated being in the hospital. The way it smelled made me sick and the white walls were so boring. There was nothing to do and nothing to watch on TV. All I had to do was sit and look out the window just hoping that we could hold off the C-section as long as possible so the babies were healthy.
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I know it's a boring chapter but the next one will be better.