Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

Why isn't he crying?

*A Month and a half later*

Today was the day that marked my 30th week of being pregnant. Though it was dangerously early it was still a milestone. The labor had stopped a couple weeks before and all was going well so far. Also today I would get another ultra sound to measure the fluid around the babies. The doctors said if it looks like the fluid is low they’ll have to do a C-section today.

If they do it will be a mix of good and bad. The bad part was that it was way too early to deliver the babies. The good part was that I would be a mother and Mikey would be a father.

Last night I made Mikey go home and get some rest. He’s been at this hospital almost everyday since I’ve gotten here. Though I appreciated how he cared for me I still didn’t want him not taking care of himself.

The doctor and the nurse came into the room and started getting the ultrasound machine ready.

“Good morning Amberlynn how are you feeling today?” The doctor asked.

“I’m doing really well.” I said. “How are you?”

“I’m great thanks.” She smiled. Once the ultrasound machine was ready they put the cold gel on my belly and put the probe on it. On to the screen came the image of one of my babies. A smile appeared on my face. The doctor started moving the probe around; her face twisted into a look of confusion and fear.

“Nurse can you get an OR ready stat.” She said.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Your babies are in distress we have to do an emergency C-section.” The doctor said. That means I would have the babies today.

“No it’s to soon.” I said.

“If the babies stay in there any longer they will die.” She said. They cleaned me up then the doctor walked out of the room. I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table as tears welled up in my eyes. I sped dialed Mikey and waited for him to pick up.

“Hello,” He answered.

“You need to get here right away.” I choked out.

“What’s wrong?” He asked in his worried voice.

“They have to do an emergency C-section.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“I love you.”

“Love you too.” He said.

“Bye,” I hung up the phone as two nurses came in the room.

“We have to give you the anesthesia now.” One of them said.

“Alright, do you think Mikey will make it in time for the birth?” I asked.

“If he is quick, they want to get you into the OR as soon as possible.”

My mind raced with worried thoughts about the babies and Mikey. The nurses had me lay down and turn on my side so they could give me the anesthesia. Once they were done I rolled back over and started getting worried again.

“We’ll be back in a little while to get you.” The nurse said. I did and said nothing in reply. The tears fell silently from my eyes.

All I could do was sit on the uncomfortable bed and cry. Five minutes later Mikey walked into the room in scrubs.

“Mikey.” Was all I could say. Tears were falling down his face as well.

“We can do this.” He said coming over to me and hugging me.

“What did they say?” I asked.

“It’s not looking good. One of the babies has almost no amniotic fluid around it.”

“It’s too early they won’t survive.”

“Yes they will, they’re our babies all we have to do is believe.” He said rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

“We’re ready.” The nurse said coming in with the other nurses. They started wheeling me out of the room and down the hall. Mikey was holding my hand for comfort. They took me into a room where my doctor and some others were waiting.

The whole bottom half of my body was numb. I couldn’t feel anything. Mikey was standing next to me as they started the operation. As I looked around I could see people standing with blankets waiting so they could clean the babies. Then without warning I heard a cry.

“It’s a girl.” The doctor said. My sorrowful tears turned to happy ones when I realized that she was okay.

“Taylor Mackenzie Way.” Mikey said looking down at me. Smiles appeared on both of our faces. Then they pulled out the other baby and handed him off. He wasn’t crying.

“Why isn’t he crying?” I asked. No one answered. “Why isn’t he crying?” I asked again getting more worried.

“Don’t worry.” The doctor said.

As soon as the babies were born they were rushed out of the room to the neo-natal intensive care unit. The tears that graced my face again turned to scared and sad tears. The doctors closed my wounds then took me back to my room. Mikey was still at my side.

“Go check on the babies.” I said to him.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“That doesn’t matter right now just go with the babies.” I said giving him a little shove. He pecked my lips then walked out of the room.

I was left alone to think. The headache I had was getting worse, my mind was still racing with thoughts of how the babies were doing. I had a feeling that Taylor would be okay but Tyler didn’t cry when he came out. All I could hope was that they were both okay.