Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

I Swear on my Life

*Mikey’s POV*

I absolutely hated seeing Amber so upset. On the inside I was very upset but I couldn’t act like it because I had to be strong for amber. I walked out of the room she was in and rushed straight down to the neo-natal intensive care unit. A nurse stopped me at the door.

“What are you here for?” She asked.

“I’m here to make sure my babies are alright.” I said.

“What are you babies names?”

“Taylor and Tyler Way.”

“Follow me.” She said. She led me past some babies in the tank things and then stopped in almost the middle of the room. Where we stopped there were two babies in those things, my babies.

The first one said ‘Taylor Mackenzie Way’ on it. She looked pretty healthy to me. Still a little small and she had a little trouble breathing but she looked far better than Tyler. From what I could see of Taylor she had my lips but she had everything else from her mother.

The second case said ‘Tyler Michael Way’ on it. The baby inside was terribly small. He had something on his face to help him breathe and tubes were coming in and out of him everywhere. Just the mere sight of him was enough to make tears well up in my eyes.

“Are they going to be okay?” I asked the nurse.

“Taylor is doing pretty well for being ten weeks early because she was the bigger of the two but Tyler isn’t doing so well.” She said.

“Do you think he’s going to make it?” I asked letting a tear fall silently.

“It’s hard to say, he has a high risk of contracting an infection. Just the smallest cold could harm him severely.” She explained.

“Thank you.” I said. Without saying another word I walked out of the NNICU and down the hall. Through all of the chaos I had forgotten about telling everyone about the babies.
When Amber had called me we were out having breakfast so everyone was still in the waiting room. I walked down to where every body was waiting anxiously to hear the news. Once I entered the room everyone jumped up and came over to me.

“How are the babies?” Gerard asked.

“Taylor is doing well but Tyler, the smaller baby isn’t doing to good.” I said sitting down with them. Silence fell over the room.

“Mom and dad are on their way up from Jersey.” Gerard said trying to fill the silence with something.

“Good I miss them.” I said.

“Is Amber okay?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah she’s just really concerned about the babies.” I explained. Truthfully I was to but I had to remind myself to be strong for Amber.

“Are we allowed to go see her?” Ashley asked.

“I don’t know. I have to go check on her though. I’ll see you guys later.” I got up and walked out of the waiting room in the direction of Amber’s room.

When I walked in she was lying on the bed with a look of stress and worry on her face. Noticing me walk in she sat up in the bed and waited for me to tell her about the babies. I walked over to the bed and sat down beside her.

“Well?” She questioned.

“Taylor is doing great.” I said giving her the good news.

“What about Tyler?” She asked.

“Tyler is having a hard time breathing and the nurse told me he has a high risk of getting a serious infection.” I explained. Her face fell and sobs invaded her body. All I could do is pull her into a tight hug and whisper ‘its okay’ into her ear.

It killed me to see her in so much pain. I hated seeing her cry; I couldn’t help but shed a few silent tears also. I couldn’t let her see them though. She had to know that I would be here for her and that I could be strong. After a few minutes she calmed herself down and looked up at me with he beautiful tear stained face.

“The nurse told me that in a little while I get to go feed them.” She said.

“That’s good.” I said.

“There’s a chance that they won’t be able to feed though. If that happens then they have to put in a feeding tube.” She said. It almost sent her back into tears again but she tried to hold them back. She looked down.

“Look at me,” I said. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up until she was looking straight at me. “Our babies are going to be strong just like you. They will make it I promise.”


“Yes I swear on my life.” I lied. I couldn’t guarantee that the babies would make it but I had to give her something to believe in. Just after I said that a nurse walked in with a wheelchair.

“They want you to try and feed them now.” She said in a soft voice. I got up helping Amber get up as well. I put my arm around her waist and led her over to the wheelchair. She sat down and the nurse started wheeling her down the hall. I followed all the way into the NNICU.

Once we were there they led us over to our babies. Amber looked down at them with a smile then she looked back up at me.

“They’re beautiful.” She said.

“Yes they are.” I agreed.

A nurse came over to Taylor and took her out of the little holder. She handed Taylor down to Amber. A huge smiled appeared on Amber’s face, my lips curled up into a smile as well.

“Are you going to breast feed her or feed her with a bottle?” The nurse asked.

“Through a bottle.” Amber answered. The nurse got a bottle then handed it to Amber. Slowly Amber put the bottle to Taylor’s mouth. Taylor started feeding; it was great that she could.

“That’s a good sign right?” I asked the nurse.

“It’s very good. For her to be ten weeks early and be able to feed is amazing.” She answered. I looked down at Amber who looked back up at me with a smile on her pretty face. Now the only thing that could make this day better is if Tyler could do the same.
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