Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

We Sleep Forever

While Mikey and I sat crying on the floor we heard a knock on the door. I composed myself slightly and we both stood up as the door opened. Mikey’s parents walked in with tears running down their faces. Donna came over to me and wrapped her loving arms around me pulling me close to her. We stood there sobbing into each others shoulders for what seemed like an eternity but in reality it was only a couple minutes. I pulled away from her and looked at Mikey and his dad.

“We came as soon as we heard.” Donald said.

“Thank you for coming.” I said.

“No problem honey we’re glad you called us.” Donna said wiping the tears from her eyes. We all looked at the tiny bed that Tyler lay in to see that he was awake. His big hazel eyes were looking all over the room. I walked over to his bed and took his little hand in mine.

“Good morning honey,” I whispered. “I love you so much. You’re going to pull through this; you’ve just have to.” As I was saying this the tears returned to my eyes and were streaming down my cheeks. I looked up to see Mikey standing at the other side of the bed holding Tyler’s other hand. He was looking at me with his pained eyes. He knew we were running out of time to be with our son.

I pulled my eyes off of his to look back down at the tiny body of my baby boy. He was struggling just to breathe. The only noise in the room was the beeping sound of Tyler’s heart monitor. I noticed it start to slow down ever so slightly. When I looked up his heart rate was down to ninety.

“No,” I whispered as it continued to slow down. The tears rolling down my cheeks went along with the sobs coming out of me. I let go of Tyler’s hand as I fell down to my knees. His heart rate was now at seventy-five and still dropping. My sobs became louder as Mikey came over and sat on the ground wrapping his arms around my.

I turned and put my face in his chest as I could hear the door open and close. There were two doctors that came in and went straight to his bed. Mikey picked me up and supported my weight as he walked me over to the corner of the room. I took my head off of Mikey’s warm chest and looked to what the doctors were doing to Tyler.

They were pumping oxygen into his mouth and giving him CPR. Just as I was watching them do that his heart flat lined. According to that heart monitor my baby boy was now dead.

“Get the paddles!” The doctor exclaimed to the nurse. She ran out of the room and seconds later came in with a smaller version of the shock paddles that are supposed to restart your heart. Tears still poured out of my eyes as they took the paddles off their holder and got them ready.

“Clear!” The doctor yelled. I turned my head away just as they shocked his tiny body. It hurt
so bad to see my baby like that. His heart didn’t restart and they got the paddles ready again. He shouted clear again and shocked Tyler. This cycle went on for fifteen more minutes failing each and every time. My heart sank when the room went silent except for the doctor’s voice and the constant beep of the monitor.

“Time of death: 1:45PM.” He said taking his gloves off.

Once again I fell to the floor and started sobbing. Mikey sank down next to me and I heard him cry for the first time. Sobs were the only thing you could hear in that room and I can’t even begin to tell you how much it hurt to lose a child. It felt like a part of my heart had died with him.

“Come on let’s get you out of here.” Mikey’s mom said to us through her own crying. She pulled us to our feet and his parents led us out of Tyler’s hospital room. We walked through the NNICU and down the long white hallway to the waiting room. As soon as the four of us walked in crying everyone else that was there for us immediately knew that Tyler was gone. Donna sat me down next to Donald sat Mikey down in one of those plastic chairs. I stared down at my uninteresting shoes not wanting to look up at anyone.

“Amber honey,” Donna said. I looked up at her tear stained face. “Would you like anything to eat?”

“No, I’m not hungry.” My voice cracked from all of the tears. Mikey looked over at me with a single tear falling out of his left eye. I wiped his face free of tears then lay my head down on his shoulder. I felt his arm go around me and he kissed the top of my head.

“We’ll make it through this and by that I mean me, you and Taylor. No matter what.” He whispered putting his head on mine. I then closed my eyes and wished I could sleep forever.
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I know it's really short and really sad but what do you think?
Comments are much appreciated.