Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

Going Home

My head was pounding as I opened my eyes to the sunlight pouring in through the translucent windows. Even though I had slept for hours on end I still felt exhausted inside. It had been two days since Tyler died and today all of us were flying back to Jersey for his burial.

While wiping the sleep from my eyes I got off the bed and walked out into the living area where Mikey was sitting. He looked at me with his saddened eyes and his tear stained face. Silently, I walked over to him and sat on the couch so I was facing him. We started at each other for a second before we wrapped our arms around each other and I buried my face in his chest.

We sat like this in silence for a while until Mikey broke it. “Are you all packed?” He asked.

“Yeah, I finished yesterday.” My voice was cracking. There hadn’t been a lot of talking going on in the past few days.

“Well we still have two hours before we have to be to the airport what do you want to do?”

“Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat.” I offered.

“No I’m not hungry.” We hadn’t been eating much either.

“Are your parents still picking up Taylor from the hospital?”

“They already have her; they called just before you got up.”

“Oh,” We haven’t been to the hospital since the day Tyler died. I feel really bad for not going to see Taylor but it would just bring back to many bad memories that I’m not ready to face yet.

“Well we could just head to the airport early since we have nothing else to do.” He suggested.

“Okay,” I got up off the couch and walked back into the sleeping area where my suitcase was.

Because I didn’t feel like getting dolled up I just put on some black sweatpants and an Anthrax t-shirt on. Keeping with the simple look I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun then I was ready to go.

While I was getting dressed Mikey had taken the bags downstairs to the lobby and was telling the others that we were leaving. When I was ready I walked down to the lobby to see Gerard and Bob standing with Mikey.

“Everyone else is leaving with us.” Mikey said.

“Okay.” I said simply. Gerard wrapped his warm arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

“How are you doing today?” He asked laying his head on top of mine.

“A little bit better,” I said putting my arms around his waist. Now don’t get the wrong idea, Gerard and I are like brother and sister and thinking of it any other way would be gross.
Soon the rest of the gang was walking down the stairs. They all had the same look of exhaustion on their faces. When they all made it over to us it was still completely silent until Frankie broke it.

“Let’s go home guys.” He said trying to be happy but failing miserably. As we were walking out of the building I walked over to Frankie and put an arm around him. He was taking Tyler’s death really hard, he hated seeing anyone die. I half smiled trying to cheer him up. He half smiled also and put his arm around my shoulders.

Once we had all hailed taxi’s we put our luggage in the trunks and got in to them. The cab I was in contained me, Mikey, Frankie and Gena. Most of the ride was silent and I wished that we could just beam ourselves back to Jersey.

We made it to the airport about two hours before our flight and it took us an hour to get through security. Mikey’s parents were waiting for us by the gate our plane would be at. I knew the car seat sitting beside them held my daughter and it made me feel better knowing that she was okay.

The hour we had to spend in the airport went by fairly quickly and soon we were on the plane waiting to take off for Jersey. The plane ride was horrid because it felt like it took forever. Really it was only another hour but it felt like it took two days to get there. I was thankful to finally be off the plane but that wasn’t the end of our journey we still had to drive from the airport to our apartment.

Once we had all of our luggage we started heading for the exit of the airport. Our whole group made it outside and started hailing taxis. As everyone was leaving I gave them all hugs and thanked them for being our support system through all of the stuff that happened with the babies. Of course they all said ‘no problem’ because that’s just what friends do, they help each other through the bad times.

Me, Mikey and Taylor were the last ones to get a taxi and start heading to our apartment. Surprisingly the taxi ride didn’t seem that long. We made it home in only about twenty minutes. While I got Taylor into our home Mikey grabbed all of our stuff. I sat Taylor down in front of the couch and I lay down on it.

“Do you want me to take Taylor to her room?” Mikey asked when he came into the apartment.

“How about we do it together?” I suggested standing up.

“Okay,” He agreed but he still had that emotionless look on his face that he’s had for the majority of the time since Tyler died.

I picked up Taylor’s car seat and we walked to her bedroom. Here’s the thing though, I forgot that there was two of everything in here. Two cribs, two dressers each full of clothes and two of every baby toy you could imagine. The things were the same except one pink for Taylor and one blue for Tyler.

Right when I seen all the stuff a wall of emotion hit me. I sat Taylor down on the floor gently and let silent tears fall down my cheeks. I looked to Mikey who was also crying. I had no idea how hard this would be.

“Well, let’s do this then.” I said. Mikey did nothing but bend down and start unbuckling his little girl. He picked her up with his gentle hands and walked toward the pink crib. With the most care he set her down in the crib. He looked like he was afraid he was going to break her if he moved wrong.

I think we were both afraid of ‘breaking her’ because of what happened to Tyler but I wasn’t going to let that happen. It couldn’t happen because besides Mikey she’s all I have left.
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Sorry it took so long to get out
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