Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy


It was very hard to make it through Tyler’s funeral and I don’t know how we did, but we did it. We had now been home fore a month and it was like living in hell. Don’t get me wrong I loved Taylor and I loved being back in Jersey. Surprisingly it was Mikey that was pissing me off.

He wouldn’t help with Taylor at all. If he wasn’t working with the guys he was moping around the house or going to Tyler’s grave site. At first I thought that he was still sad over Tyler so I figured I’d give him some time to get over it but he never did. He’s still doing the same thing and it’s really starting to make me mad.

Now again don’t get me wrong but he needs to get over it. Tyler was my son too and I still miss him with all of my heart but I realized that I have responsibilities so I put my emotions aside so I could take care of Taylor. Mikey needs to do that now before I loose my mind.

When I got out of the shower I dried myself off and got dressed in clothes for the day. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun like I always do and walked out of the bathroom to go check on Taylor. I walked into her room to see her lying in her crib looking around. When she saw me she smiled her cute little smile.

“Morning baby,” I reached down into her crib and picked her up. Even though she was a month old she was still so tiny. I quickly changed her diaper then took her into the kitchen with me to get her bottle ready.

Once I had her bottle I walked into the living room with her and sat down on the couch. Mikey was sitting there too.

“Do you want to feed her?” I asked. He didn’t answer; he just sat there with a blank look on his face like he always does. I rolled my eyes and started to feed Taylor. After I fed her I put her in her play pin with some of her toys.

“We need to talk.” I said turning off the TV and standing in front of Mikey. He looked up at me with the same look on his face.

“Fine, I’ll talk. I’m sick of this Mikey; you haven’t helped with Taylor once. In the beginning I didn’t mind because I knew you were still sad about Tyler but this has gone on for far too long.” I said with irritation in my voice. His face changed into a sad one. I sighed and sat down next to him.

“Look what I mean is I was sad too but I had to push my emotions aside to take care of Taylor and I just want some help,” I said in a nicer tone. He was still looking at me but didn’t do anything. “Mikey this is my warning; if this doesn’t stop I have to leave.”

“Why?” He said with a look of worry.

“This isn’t a relationship anymore. We have hardly said anything to each other since we came home from New York.”

“I need you.” He pleaded.

“Then show me you need me.”

“I can’t,”


“Because if still hurts too much.” He said looking down at the couch.

“I can’t do this.” I put my hands up in the air and started walking to my room.

I got out a small suitcase from the closet and started shoving all of my clothes into it. I know it seems like I’m overreacting but I just can’t handle seeing Mikey and my relationship deteriorate like this. Once I had my stuff all ready I got Taylors stuff and brought it all out to the living room.

“What are you doing?” Mikey said with a confused look on his face. He stood up and walked over to me.

“I told you Mikey, I can’t handle you being like this,” Tears were falling silently from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. “I just have to leave for a while. When you’re ready for me to come home call me, I’ll be at Gerards.”

I got Taylor ready quickly, grabbed our bags and walked out the door while Mikey was still standing in the living room with a confused and sad look on his face. I put Taylor in the car then put the bags in the trunk. I got in the front seat, turned the engine on and laid my head on the steering wheel to cry.

Once I got a hold of myself I drove to Gerards house. Upon arrival I got everything back out of the car, walked up to his door and rang the door bell. The door opened to reveal both Gerard and Eliza.

“Hey, what’s up?” Gerard asked stepping aside so I could come inside. I put the two suitcases down and handed Taylor to Eliza. Gerard closed the door then turned back to me to wait for my answer.

“Do you mind if we stay here for a while?” I asked.

“Sure anytime, is Mikey getting something from the car?” I shook my head.

“It’s just me and Taylor.” I said.

“Well would you mine telling me what’s going on?” I nodded and Gerard led me to the couch.

“Ever since we came home all Mikey has done is mope around the house. He hasn’t helped with Taylor at all and I just can’t take it anymore so I had to get out of that place.” I explained.

“Alright that’s cool; you can stay as long as you want.” He said rubbing my back with the palm of his hand.

“Would you guys mind taking care of Taylor for a while? I really need some sleep.” I asked.

“Of course,” Eliza said. “You go get some rest.”

“Thank you guys so much.” I got up from the couch and walked to their guest bedroom where I would be staying.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep and all I could dream about were the days when me and Mikey were happy together.
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Sorry it's kind of short.
Hope you like it.
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