Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

The Fight

Mikey's POV

The boys and I got to the studio and walked right to the room that we have our little meetings in. Our manager Brian was already in there.

"Hey guys," He said. We all replied with 'heys' or 'hi's' sitting downin the chairs that were spread around the room.

"Well I think you guys will be happy to see this." Brian said. He held up a cd. It said 'My Chemical Romance' on it.

"Oh man this is the new one." Gerard said grabbing it from Brian's hands. We all had big smiles on our faces.

"It gets released next Tuesday." Brian said. "So you know what this means don't you?"

"What?" I asked.

"You guys are going on tour in a month." He said.

"How long will the tour be for?" Frank asked.

"Probably two maybe two and a half months." He said.

"Woah that's long." Ray said. We'd never done a tour over two weeks long.

"Well you guys are getting bigger and we want to continue that so we have to do a long tour." He said.

I really don't know how Amber is going to take this. She works at a tattoo shop now and she is really attached to it now. Plus we have the appartment to pay for and stuff. Oh and did I mention we now have a cat named Bunny that we have to take care of.

After the two hour meeting was over we loaded up in the car and started driving. The guys dropped me off at the appartment and I walked inside. I went up the two flights of stairs and made it to mine and Amber's appartment.

I unlocked the door and walked in taking off my shoes and putting my keys down on the table next to the door.

"Hey babe how was the meeting?" Amber said from the couch. She was watching TV with Bunny sitting on her lap. I walked over to her.

"It was good." I said. I pecked her on the lips then sat next to her.

"So me, you, Jamia and Frank are going to dinner tonight." She said.

"Oh cool." I said. "When?"

"In about an hour an a half. So I'm gonna go start getting ready." She said. She put Bunny on my lap and got up walking out of the room. A minute later I heard the shower start going.

*1 hour later*

After Amber was done getting ready she walked out in a black knee length form fitting dress with black strapy heels. Her make-up was done and her hair was curled and put up into an up-do.

"Woah. You look amazing." I said standing up.

"Thank you." She said. "You better start getting ready."

"So I'm guessing this is a fancy dinner huh?"


"Okay." I said. I walked to our room and picked out some clothes. They consisted of a pair of dress pants and a black dress shirt with some black slacks. I brushed my hair, put some gel in it and walked back into the livng room where Amber was standing.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yep, let's go." We walked out the door, down the stairs and out of the building. We got in our car and she started driving us to the restaurant we were going to.

After about fifteen minutes we were there, it was the nicest restaurant in town. We got out of the car and the vallet went off with it. I took Amber's hand in mine and we walked into the restaurant. There was a man standing at a podium.

"Hello, may I help you?" He said.

"Yes I made reservations earlier today." Amber said.

"Name please?" He asked.

"Amberlynn Connors."

"Yes, your other guests are already seated. Follow me please." He started walking and we
followed him. He led us to a table with Frank and Jamia sitting at it.

We both sat down and the man took our drink order. This dinner should be fun, except for the fact that I have to tell Amber about the tour.

*Amberlynn's POV*

"So what happened at the meeting?" Jamia asked the guys.

"Well we seen what the record is going to look like." Frank said.

"Yeah that was pretty cool." Mikey said.

"Oh and we found out we're doing our first big tour." Frank added.

"Oh really." I said.

"Yeah it's gonna be like two months long." He said.

"Oh." I said. This saddened me becuase I did really want to go on tour with Mikey but I didn't want to quit my job. But if I don't go on tour with him then I'm gonna sit around the house crying the whole time he's gone.

After we all finished eating it was time for us to go home. I found out that Mikey was leaving in a month. I'm gonna have to do a lot of thinking in the next month. Me and Mikey were walking out of the restaurant hand in hand.

"You didn't tell me that you guys were going on tour." I said. It kind of made me mad that he didn't tell me when he got back from the meeting.

"I'm sorry I was just sort of scared to tell you." He said. We got in the car and I started driving us home.

"Why would you be scared to tell me?" I asked.

"Because I want you to go." He said quietly.

"Mikey you know I have a job and we have the apartment and Bunny." I said.

"I know that's what sucks about it. What sucks even more is I'm gonna miss the hell out of you." He said.


"I still want you to go."

"Mikey what part of I can't don't you understand." I snapped.

"You can all you have to do is drop of Bunny at my moms house and we can pay the rent two months in advance." He reasoned.

"But my boss won't let me have two months off." I said.


"But I like my job Mikey I'm not just gonna quit to go on tour with you."

"Why are you being such a bitch about this?" He had never called me a bitch before.

"How dare you call me a bitch your the one who's being an asshole." I said raising my voice slightly. I parked the car in front of the building. I walked fastly into our building and
slammed the door on Mikey.

"Amber wait." He called after me as I stormed up the stairs.

I walked into the apartment and slammed the door on him again. He stormed in and slammed the door behind him.

"I hope your fucking lonely those two months because I don't want you to go with me anymore." Mikey said with anger in his voice

"Good cause I'm not." I yelled. I walked down our the hallway, walked into our the bedroom and slammed the door. When I did that I sank down the wall and cryed for the first time in a long time.