Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

Never Together Again

"So are you going to tell me?" Mikey said.

"Tell you what?" I asked holding a hand to my forehead.

"Why your in bed with my brother, and why you guys are in your underwear." Mikey said still standing with his arms crossed across his chest.

"I have no idea, all I know is that I have a pounding headache and if I don't get some coffee soon I'll hurt someone." I said getting up, this woke Gerard up.

"What's going on?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know why don't you tell me." Mikey said. Gerard sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"What happened last night?" I asked Gerard.

"I have no clue, the last thing I remember is going to the club and getting smashed." He said running a hand through his greasy black hair.

"Well I really don't think much happened last night other than we might have both fallen asleep on the same couch." I said to Mikey.

"Then why the fuck are you guys in your underwear?" He asked angrily.

"I don't know but you don't have to get mean about it, I really don't think anything happened." I said.

"Well I do." Mikey said.

"Ok, you go on ahead and think that then." I said.

"Fine I will." He said.

"Okay then," I said. "By the way I think your acting like a prissy bitch."

"No I'm not, because I'm just concerned that my girlfriend fucking cheated on me with my fucking brother." His voiced raised with every word, I'd never seen Mikey with this much anger in his hazel eyes.

"Don't you dare get fucking disrespectful with me." I said.

"I'll do whatever I want."

"Guys if your going to fight please go outside, I've got a wicked bad headache." Gerard interrupted. Me and Mikey walked outside of the bus. We were still at the venue the guys played at last night.

"So are you going to admit you fucked my brother last night?" Mikey asked.

"No because I didn't." I said.

"How do you know? You were to smashed to remember anything." I felt the anger rising between us.

"Yeah I was, but I really don't think that I'd forget something as important as having sex with someone." I said still trying to be calm, I really don't like to get angry at Mikey. His anger was steadily rising with every sentance he spoke, I get where he is coming from but I'm starting to remember a little bit from last night and I know I didn't have sex with Gerard.

"Tell me then, what the hell did you do last night?" He asked.

"From what I remember we drank I asked Jamia to take us home and I went to sleep on the couch, so Gerard must have just came in and lay down with me." I said.

"Did you go to sleep in your underwear?" He asked.


"Then that doesn't explain it. You must have done something with him."

"Why do you think that so strongly?"

"Because I had a feeling that last night you'd do something shitty to fuck up our relationship." I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, he was being a
complete and total jackass.

"You know I thought you were an awesome guy but it seems I was mistaken because your being a total asshole right now." I said.

"Yeah I am because my girlfriend is a slut." He said. That was it, he called me a slut. Tears welled up in my eyes when he said that but I held them back.

"If that's how you feel then you can burn in hell you fucking asshole." I said. With that I stomped onto the bus with silent tears running down my cheeks. I slammed the bus door shut and just walked to the bathroom, slamming that door behind me as well. Sobs rocked my body as I fell to the ground.

"Amber are you ok?" Gerard asked from the other side of the door.

"Go away." I said.

"What did he do?"

"Just go the fuck away?" I yelled still sobbing. My smeared makeup from last night was running down my cheeks.

All I did for hours was sit in the bathroom and sob thinking about every single night I had spent with Mikey. The first night we slept in the same bed, the night we first kissed and even the night I gave him my virginity. I felt as if he just threw that away, I don't think anything can pull us back together.

After a while I gained my composure and stood up. The mirror showed me my swollen bloodshot eyes. There was a line of black make-up running down my cheeks. I took a wash cloth, got it wet and washed off all of my make-up. When I was finished with that I came out of the bathroom and walked back to the bunks. Putting all of my things away I grabbed my suitcase, my jacket and my purse.

I walked into the main area of the bus taking my suitcases and stuff with me. Mikey wasn't in there but everyone else was eating breakfast.

"What are you doing?" Frank asked.

"I'm going home." I said.

"Why?" Ray asked.

"Just tell Mikey that I said it's over." I said. I took my bags out of the bus and started walking toward the busy street. Once I was standing by the road I started calling for a taxi. It took me a couple of trys but one finally stopped and helped me put my bags in the trunk.

I got in the back of the cab and told him to take me to my apartment. He drove off and I looked back at the bus for as long as I could thinking that me and my one true love would never be together again.