Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy


It has now been about three weeks since me and Mikey last saw each other and I'm back at our apartment. Mikey won't be back here for another month but then I'm moving out and finding another place. Right now something is troubling me though, my period is late. So I made an apointment with my doctor for later on today.

Me and the cat sat on the couch just watching TV and watching the time pass by. I'm off work today so it's one of those utterly boring days of sitting around the house. Today though I have something to think about. Missing my period either meant I'm pregnant or that my body is just being stupid. Honestly I hope my body is just being stupid because if I'm pregnant that means I have to tell Mikey.

You might be saying why can't you just get an abortion, well I don't believe in abortions. So if I'm pregnant I'm having the baby and keeping it, no matter what Mikey thinks. I turned off the TV and got up from the couch deciding that I could probably start getting ready to go to the doctors.

The cat followed me to my room where I picked out some clothes to wear and changed into them. My outfit consisted of black jeans, clandestine belt, my pantera shirt, a vest and my converse. It was summer time in New York so I really didn't need a hoodie. Once I was done getting dressed I brushed my hair and decided that I was ready.

I walked out of my room, through the living room and into the kitchen where I grabbed a pop-tart. Those things are very tasty, I quickly ate it then went back into the living room. I got my purse, my sidekick and my keys then walked out of the door. Once I was out of our apartment complex I got a cab and told him to take me to my doctors office.

It took thirty minutes to get there, it was just about my time when I got there. I walked into the office, walked up to the desk and signed in. I hate going to the doctor I thought when I went to sit and wait. It shouldn't take long seeing as there is only one person in front of me I thought.

I was right it didn't take long at all, after only five minutes I got called in to go sit in the little room. My stomach growled at me telling me that I was hungry again. Goodness gracious I just ate before I left I thought. The doctor walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

"Hello Amber how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good." I said.

"So what are you here for?" He asked.

"Well I kinda missed my period." I said.

"Ok so you think your pregnant right?"

"Well there's a chance."

"We'll take some blood and test you ok." He said.


He walked over to a table that was in the tiny room and got out a siringe, I hate needles. he walked back over to me and rubbed some of that cleaning stuff on the inside of my elbow then he stuck the siringe into my arm. It stung a little but it wasn't that bad. After a few seconds he pulled the siringe out and put a little cap on the top.

"I'll send this to the lab and the results should be out in about fifteen minutes." He said walking out of the room with my blood.

My stomach was still growling at me so I decided to look through my purse to see if I had any food in it. Thankfully I had a granola bar, so I passed the time eating that. After about fifteen minutes the doctor walked back in with his chart thing.

"So what are the results?" I asked.

"Your pregnant." He said. "Congrats."

"Thanks." I said. I was shocked and scared. "How far along am I?"

"Your only about five weeks." He said.

"Thank you doctor." I said.

"Your welcome." He said then he walked out the door.

Wow, I have no idea how I'm going to tell Mikey. I hadn't spoken to him since the day I left the tour. I regained my composure and walked out of the tiny office, I walked back to the front desk and the lady said the doctor said he wanted to schedule an ultrasound with me in seven weeks. I made the appointment and walked out of the office, getting a cab to drive me home.

It's hard to believe that in thirty five weeks I will be a mother, it still hasn't sunk in all the way. I hope Mikey will want to be in this baby's life because it will be very hard without him. The cab dropped me off at the appartment and for the rest of the day I just sat on the couch thinking about how I'm going to tell Mikey in three weeks.

*Three Weeks Later*

Today Mikey would be coming home from his tour and all day I've been cleaning trying to make the apartment look nice for him. I've been cooking a nice dinner for us too, hopefully we could work our issues out toinght. I'm willing to forgive him if he's willing to forgive me. He would be arriving here at five o'clock and it's four thirty right now.

I put the final touches on our table then went to watch TV for the last half an hour. When I turned the TV on Mikey's band was on, in their video 'Helena'. I clutched my stomach lightly, it was still very early in the pregnancy so I wasn't showing yet.

"Look baby it's your daddy." I said to my belly. Yes I talk to my baby, they say the baby can hear you inside the womb.

At just about five o'clock I heard a bus pull up outside the building, Mikey was home. I had butterflies in my stomach as I looked out the window to see him getting off the bus with his suitcase. He walked into the door and I went to sit at the kitchen table. Every second that ticked by felt like a lifetime. Finally he walked into the door and he seen the nice candle lit dinner I set up.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, what's this?" He asked.

"We have to talk." I said.

"Yeah we do." He said putting his suitcase down and sitting across from me. We looked into each others eyes for a couple minutes, my love for him was still here I just hope he still loves me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"No don't be, I'm the one that should be saying that." He said. "I was out of line when I called you a bad name, I shouldn't have said that because I love you so much and I want you to know that."

"I love you too." It felt so good to say that, Mikey smiled from ear to ear.

"So are we back together?" He asked.

"I think so." I said. "But there's something else I have to tell you." I looked down at the table.

"What is it hon?" He asked. "You look nervous."

"I'm pregnant."