Come Back To Me It's Almost Easy

Tons of Support

*Mikey's POV*

When I watched Amber walk into the house alone I felt horrible but I guess I have to make money for our family. I got back into my car and drove away from the apartments to the studio. Once I got there I got out of my car and walked to the room where the guys were recording. Gerard, Frank and Bob were sitting on the small couch in the room and I could see Ray recording guitar tracks through the plexi-glass.

"Hey Mikey what's up?" Gerard asked nervously, he could see I had been crying. I sat on a stool in front of the couch so I was facing the guys.

"I have some bad news." I said.

"What is it man?" Frank asked letting his signature smile fall from his face.

"There's something wrong with the babies," I paused. "Yes we're having twins but they have this thing called twin to twin transfusion syndrome. There's a chance of both of them dying."

"Oh man I'm so sorry." Bob said looking down to his shoes.

"How's Amber taking this?" Gerard asked.

"I can tell she's falling apart inside but she's trying to be strong for the babies." I said.

"That's gotta be hard." Frank said.

"It is." I said. They had no idea how hard this was weighing on my shoulders.

*Amber's POV*

After Mikey left I just sat around the living room calling people to tell them the news. First I called Donna, she took it hard too. I had to calm her down on the phone, it made me cry also. I put the phone down for what seemed like the thousanth time and there was a knock on the door. I got up from my spot on the couch and answered the door.

There stood Jamia, Ashley, Katelyn, Alicia and Eliza.

"We came to comfort you." Ashley said holding up two huge tubs of ice cream.

"Oh boy do I need that." I said letting them in. Out of all of them Ashley and I were the closest. Ashley was Ray's girlfriend, she has been the sweetest person ever, her and Ray are so cute together. All the girls came in and sat down on my couch leaving me a spot on my rocking chair.

"So are you okay?" Ashley asked me.

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just kind of hard thinking that I might loose these babies." I said looking down at my stomach, rubbing it softly.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Jamia asked.

"Yeah actually I like Taylor and Tyler, but I'll have to ask Mikey first."

"Do you think you guys are going to get married?" Katelyn asked.

"Not right away, when the time is right we will." Katelyn and me had never really connected, I've never really liked her that much. Personally I think she's using Bob.

Me and the girls sat for th rest of the day just talking, eating ice cream and watching chick flicks. We haven't had a day like this in a long time, too bad we only really do it when the boys are recording or something bad happens. It was about six o'clock when all of the guys walked into the door. Mikey walked straight over to me.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Are you sure?"


"Good." He said.

"Okay guys we have a demo to show you so yeah." Gerard said. He pulled out a CD and put it in our CD player. "This song is called 'Welcome to the Black Parade' so we hope you like it." He pressed play and the sound of a piano floated through the room.

The song ended and the room was silent. The song made me have hope that my babies could make it. As I thought about the chorus 'We'll Carry on, we'll carry on' the song had a lot of hope in it. Mikey looked over at me and winked, I could tell he had a lot of input on this song.

"So what do you think?" Ray asked everyone. We all replied with, good things. It really was a
well writen song, that just gave me the slightest bit of hope that my babies might survive. Since Mikey was sitting on the floor right in front of my chair he turned to face me.

"What did you think?" He asked me

"I loved it. You guys are amazing as always." I said. Mikey got up to his knees and pecked my lips.

"Thank you baby." He said. at this moment, sitting in my chair with Mikey kneeling before me I could see how many people I had supporting me. I smiled and looked around my living room, I loved everyone in this room.